Chapter 19

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I feel the car tumble, I hear Liam's cursing, I feel my own panic, I hear my screams as I feel something go through my shoulder sending waves and waves of pain.

The car stops tumbling, leaving us hanging upside down.

"Lea can you hear me?" Liam asks me.

"There's a piece of glass stuck on my shoulder!" I say panicking, my voice breaks a little, I try to turn slightly to look at Liam but the seat belt won't let me and every time I move pain erupts all over my body.

I shut my eyes tightly closed.

"Keep your focus on me alright, I'm trying to get out but the belt won't budge, I'm sure help is coming!" Liam says calmly but I can sense the worry in his voice

Gunshots echo in the air causing my eyes to snap awake.

"Liam what's going on?" I ask Liam scared.

"I don't know raspberry, but I won't let anything happen alright!" Liam says confidently, the gun shots get closer and closer.

Footsteps approach our upside down car, I breath our in relief when Andrew's face pops into view.

"Let's try getting you guys out!" Andrew says going to Liam's side.

"What is going on?" Liam asks confused.

"These guys started to randomly shoot us after running over your car and right now Connor is holding them off but he's barely holding on!" Andrew rambles.

"Liv, where's she?" I ask trying to twist to see Andrew better, but the pain becomes too unbearable, I feel the glass twisting itself inside, I shut my eyes tightly closed, I hear Liam and Andrew say something but my brain is shutting down.

Liam's POV

I quickly rush over to Lea who's barely conscious, my head is still buzzing, I'm lightheaded.

"Mate, you need to sit down for a while, I'll get her out!" Andrew says serious, I nod and watch as Andrew slowly takes her out, there's blood gushing out from the wound in her shoulder.

"We have to get her to a hospital!" I say and carry her up, the gunshots are closer, peak over the car and spot Connor and Liv about 10 cars away, Connor looks hurt.

"We have to help them!" Andrew says worried.

"How the fuck do you suppose we do that?" I ask angry, someone shoots in our direction and we both crouch low, they carry on shooting for a couple more minutes, I tighten my hold on Lea.

"You guys lost, our boss wants the girl!" A voice echoes.

"Who and what are you talked about?" Andrew says angry.

"Oliver Wilson, leader of the Snakes wants his daughter back immediately!" The voice echoes. "Or else they both die!" Andrew and I slowly walk out from behind the car, Liv and Connor are kneeling on the ground, a guy about 30 years old has a gun pointed at them.

I notice how Andrew tenses up, he clenched his jaw and his knuckles are white.

"We work with the snakes!" Andrew says angry, his finger is on the trigger.

"Well boss will see about that, but for now all of you have to come with!" The guy says smugly, I nod and Andrew lowers his gun. Another guy approaches me and attempts to pull Lea away as I tighten my grip on her.

"We have strick orders not to let this girl dies because if she does than we all die including you and your friends!" The guy says in a monotone voice.

"I'm not leaving her." I say angry.

"Mate, her wound is still bleeding, maybe they have some medics or something!" Andrew says placing a hand on my shoulder, I glare at him but he doesn't back off.

"I'll be careful!" The guy says with an eyebrow raised, I sigh frustrated and hand her over.

A couple of man and woman walk up to us and hand us blindfolds, they cuff our hands and stuff us in the back of the car.

Lea's POV

Lights, blinding lights that make my head pound, pain shoots throughout my whole body, I hear voices, yells.

"Breathe raspberry!" I hear the comforting voice, I let my eyes slowly adjust to the light. "That's right breathe!" I turn and find Liam kneeling beside the hospital bed.

"What's going on?" I ask panicking, my voice breaks, my throat burns, it feels like someone made me drink some acid, the nurse holds out a glass water that I gulp in a couple seconds, another doctor comes and starts checking my eyes and asking me a lot of questions, the panic in me causes the questions to just blur.

"Fucking back off dude, she's claustrophobic and you're not helping!" Liam says angrily and pushes the doctor away, Liam kneels back down, takes my face in his hands.

"You're safe alright, everyone is safe too!" Liam says confidently.

"But the accident!" I say shaking, my right arm is in a cast, there's a tube going from my arm connecting it to a some weird dripping thingy.

"We're safe alright, the others are resting!" Liam says calmly. "Everything is fine!" I take a couple deep breaths in and out and calm my heart and brain.

"What happened, where are we?" I ask confused.

"Deep apologies Mrs. Wilson, but we need to do more tests, you were in surgery, lost a lot of blood." The doctor, whom Liam had pushed away, says in a comforting voice. I look at Liam confused. "Mrs. Wilson, we have strick orders to not let you get any sort of infection and die or else your father will have our heads for dinner."

"Fucking hell doc, just shut up!" Liam snapped at the doctor.

"Liam what is going on?" I ask frustrated, Liam sighs.

"Your father is here raspberry, he is helping us, I will tell you the rest later alright." Liam says calmly.

"Wait my father is here!" I exclaim surprised, Liam just nods.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room." The doctor says impatiently, Liam scoffs.

"Like as if I'm leaving this room." The doctor sighs frustrated and starts checking my eyes and my heartbeat and other medical stuff whose terms are just too complicated.

"And you're good, you don't appear to have any concussion or any other infections, the shoulder will have to stay in a cast until it is safe, I have to go inform your father of this!" The doctor says in a monotone voice before telling the other 2 nurses to leave the room, to give us the room and he too leaves.

"Liam what is going on?" I ask panicking and confused. "My father is here, as in here in this house here or in like across the continent-" Liam cuts me off with a kiss causing me to gasp in the kiss, his hands on my waist, holding me closer, I use my one free hand to grip his shirt.

Electricity shoots throughout my entire body as Liam deepens the kiss like he's been thirsty this whole time and I'm his water.

Liam breaks the kiss first, both of us are panting,  his hands stay on my waist making small circles that send sparks everywhere.

"I could power up the whole city with this much electricity " I say panting, Liam chuckles, his eyes have dark circles around them, he looks exhausted.

I pull back, Liam gives me a quizzical look, I open the duvet.

"You need sleep." I say smiling, he doesn't say anything and gets in the covers, he pulls me closer to him making sure that my arm is comfortable.

"Your father is the leader of The Snakes!" Liam says drowsily. "And he wants to destroy The Scorpions!"

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