Chapter 35

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I knock on Damien's door, not knowing if he's still awake or not, I start to walk back to my room when a crash catches my attention causing me to turn back to Damien's room, I knock again and slowly open the door.

I am instantly met with a cold and windy air blowing from the big opened windows, the room was nearly dark, the only light was basically coming from outside.

Damien laid on the bed, the sheets covered his lower half and his top half was bare. My whole body is freezing and the blanket I have around is barely warm enough.

My feet barely make a noise as I slowly walk towards Damien, his whole body is tense, a frown is visible on his face, I softly shake him.

In a blur I was pinned down on the bed with Damien's hand around my neck, breathing became really hard as his hand tightened, Damien's eyes were glazed over.

"Damien, it's me, it's Lea." I say trying to gasp for air and hoping to snap him out. The world starts turning black and I feel myself lose focus before his hand is abruptly removed, I take huge breaths of air as my lungs and throat burn.

"Fuck, what have I done!" Damien says more to himself before quickly getting off me and helping sit up. "What were you thinking coming in here, it's dangerous for fuck's sake." Damien says angry and rubs my back, his hands are shaking as he tilts my head up to examine my neck.

"I'm sorry, the thunder and lightning makes me uneasy and I didn't know where to go, than I came here and I heard a crash and your door was unlocked." I ramble, my voice breaking and hoarse.

Damien let out a sigh and pulled me closer to his chest, his bare chest warm against my cold body.
"I'm so sorry princess, breathe." Damien says guilty, I feel his body shaking, I pull back and see Damien staring out the window.

"Are you okay?" I ask unsure, Damien looks down at me, his hands had been wrapped tightly around me.

"Let's go up to the roof!" Damien says enthusiastically.

"It's raining." I say staring out the window confused, another thunder comes and my heart speeds up, Damien chuckles and stands up, he disappears inside his closet for a couple minutes before coming out wearing a long sleeve shirt and holding a hoodie, he hands me the hoodie.

"It's colder up on the roof." Damien says, I wear the hoodie and I am instantly filled with warmth and the smell of lemon and sea water engulfs me.

"My shoes, can we stop by my room." I say picking up the blanket that had fallen on the ground.

"Yes we'll stop by your room to get your shoes." Damien says enthusiastically and we walk out of his room.

"Does it happen often?" I ask slightly unsure, Damien sighs defeated.

"It's been happening since I was 14 years old, I guess as time passed my brain and body sort of went into this automatic machine whenever I'm sleeping, which is why my door stays locked at night, I don't want to accidentally hurt anyone." Damien says with a shrug, we reach my room and I quickly wear my tekkies before looking at Damien.

"What do you dream off?" I ask confused, Damien seems hesitant at first.

"It varies from night to night, sometimes it's my father or Davina or James or my mom." Damien says, we finally reach the roof. He opens the door and we are instantly met with a blast of cold air, the rain has decreased to a soft drizzle, the thunders echo from far away.

"What was it tonight?" I ask while staring at the sky, feeling the small droplets of rain on my face, I feel Damien's gaze on me but I don't look.

"You." Damien says with a sigh, I stare at him confused. "Yes yes, you're haunting my dreams." Damien says with a smile and I chuckle. "I have an idea that you might like." Damien says enthusiastically, I raise an eyebrow as he takes out his phone from the pocket, a song starts playing as he puts his phone down.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused, Damien extends his hand and I take it, the music fills the background, he puts a hand on my waist and the other holds mine, my other hand rests on his shoulder.

(I guess I'm in love by Clinton kane)

The music is soft, the lyrics falling every inch of me, my heart beats faster as Damien spins me and brings me back and dips me, my body seems to have gone into automatic as it follows the movements with Damien, we don't take our eyes from each other, his stormy gray eyes filled with emotions, filled with love, the beat drops and more spins come, my heart leaping as I try to grasp more of this feeling.

I feel more alive with every second that Damien twirls me and dips me, everything else is gone and I don't care about whatever else is happening, the lyrics finally start making sense, I feel my eyes fill up with tears as the music stops.

Damien doesn't pull back, his eyes stay on me, his hand caresses my cheek, I feel electrified, our chests and noses are touching, our breaths mixing together, he slowly leans in hesitantly, I close my eyes as our lips connect in a soft kiss, electricity shoots throughout my whole body and I let my hands grip his shirt, his hands grip my waist tighter, I feel so much love through the kiss.

Damien breaks the kiss, his forehead stays against mine, his eyes tightly closed, a couple tears roll down his face, I feel my own tears fall as I pull back, Damien's face is instantly filled with shock and guilt.

"What's wrong princess?" Damien asks confused, his eyes glazed over, a sob breaths out of me as more tears fall, Damien moves forward and I move back in return, he instantly stops confused. "Talk to me please."

"This is wrong." I say as more sobs break out, Damien's face falls. "Everyone I love leaves me, everyone I care about always suffers some sort of tragic death."

"That's not true princess." Damien says calmly.

"Liv, my dad, Connor, Drew, Liam was basically just using me, everyone leaves." I collapse on the floor and hug my knees to my chest tucking my head in, the rain starts falling heavier, I feel Damien pull me against him and rubbing my back.

"I won't leave you, I will never want to leave you." He tilts my head up towards him, he wipes away the tears from my face. "I will be with you for the rest of my life, through every mountain and road that we cross, nothing will ever stop me from finding you, deep down you know that I am speaking the truth." Damien says with a sad smile, he leans in for another kiss.

Before our lips connect gunshots filled the air.

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