Chapter 16 - One Sad Actor

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I was so enthralled in the two matches that I hadn't noticed Jyugo had disappeared. I turned around and jumped off the wall, managing to sneak away without Rock or Uno noticing. I followed Jyugo's scent and footsteps until I found him walking through the halls.

Jinx: "Jyugo!"

He turns, smiles, and holds out his hand.

Jyugo: "Hey, Jinx. Walk with me."

I caught up and took his hand. We keep walking.

Jinx: "What are you doing?"

Jyugo: "I just needed to stretch my legs before the final event. What are you doing here?"

Jinx: "I was looking for you."

Jyugo: "Well, you found me. Let's-"

???: "Mew."

I squealed and jumped behind him as a small black creature walks up to us.

Jyugo: "Aw, how'd you find me this time? I can't get anything past you, can I? You're the one guard I can't beat, Kuu."

Kuu: "Mew."

Jinx: "Jyugo, what's that?"

Jyugo: "This is a cat. His name is Kuu. He's actually Hajime's cat."

He picked him up and showed him to me.

Jyugo: "Don't be afraid. He won't hurt you."

I cautiously put my hand up and stroked his head. I smiled as he purred happily.

Jinx: "He's so soft and fluffy..."

Jyugo: "Here, you can hold him like this."

He carefully handed him to me. Jyugo's heart melted at my smile.

Jyugo: "You two are such a cute duo-"

???: "I RAN AWAY!!"

Jinx: "Huh?"

Jyugo: "Yeah, I heard it too."


Jyugo: "Wait a sec, isn't that Tsukumo's voice?"

Kuu: "Mew?"

Jinx: "The ninja guy?"

Jyugo: "Yeah, come on."

The two of us, along with Kuu, follow the yelling to the visiting room. Jyugo and I sat on the floor outside the door, Kuu in my lap.

Tsukumo: "I found out about everything."

Hattori: "And by everything, you mean what?"

Tsukumo: "Even now, you're playing dumb. That only confirms that you're an accomplice. Fine, I'll spell it out! You've all deceived me. If anyone should be behind bars, it's you people! You kidnappers!!"

I whispered.

Jinx: "Kidnappers? Who's he with in there?"

Kuu: "Mrow-!"

He covered Kuu's mouth and place his hand on my shoulder. His expression was focused.

Jyugo: "Sshh..."

Hattori: "You think I'm a kidnapper? I would never do such a terrible thing."

Tsukumo: "I know. But you did help that director. That witch who stole my life from me."

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