Chapter 28 - Still Kids

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Hajime: "Number 33, front and centre. We're taking you to your prize."

Jinx: "Kay! Come on, guys!"

Hajime: "Aaand they're coming too..."

Jinx: "Obviously. Where's the fun in going there myself?"

Hajime: "Fine, keep up."

Hajime, Seitarou and Kazari lead the five of us outside into the courtyard. It felt like my excitement was growing with every step.

Kazari: "There it is."

We stood there in amazement for a solid minute.

Nico: "Woah! That's crazy!"

Rock: "You built this?"

Uno: "I haven't been to one of these in years."

Jinx: "Brothers, welcome to my playground!"

Kazari: "It's not the most fantastic, flashy playground in the world, but hopefully you like it."

I wrap your arms around her.

Jinx: "It's perfect! Thank you, Kazari! I love it!"

She smiled.

Kazari: "Now, go have fun, all of you."

Jinx: "Yeah! Come on!"

We ran over and stood in the middle of the equipment.

Uno: "Aw man, I haven't seen any of this in forever."

Jinx: "So, I'm gonna be honest... I don't know what to do with all of these."

The Boys: "Huh??"

Jyugo: "But this is what you asked for."

Jinx: "Yeah, but I didn't know what a playground was until I read about it in one of Nico's magazines. Can you guys teach me how to play on this stuff?"

They smiled.

Nico: "Me first!"

He looked around before taking my hand and brining me over to the main part of the playground. We both went up the stairs.

Nico: "Let's go down the slide."

He sat at the top of the slide and put me in his lap.

Jinx: "Uhm... what do we do now?"

Nico: "Now, we slide! I'll count to three, okay? One... two... three!"

He slid down to the bottom with me in his lap and we laughed on the way down.

Nico: "Wasn't that fun?"

Jinx: "Yeah! I wanna do it again!"

Nico: "Tell you what, why don't you go down yourself this time and I'll catch you."

Jinx: "Kay!"

I ran up the stairs and sat at the top of the slide. Nico had his arms outstretched to me.

Nico: "When you're ready!"

I took a breath and slid down. Nico caught me in a hug, and we giggled as he spun me around.

Jinx: "I love slides!"

Nico: "I'm glad!"

Uno: "Alright, it's my turn."

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