Chapter 24 - Back to Normal

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Jinx: "Uno, can I braid your hair? I've been practicing."

Uno: "Alright, show me what you got."

Jinx: "Hmm... over, under, over, under... uh oh..."

Uno: "What? What's wrong?"

Jinx: "Kidding."

Uno: "You little-"

I giggled.

Jinx: "...... And done!"

He pulls his long braid around to inspect it. He then turns to me and smiles.

Uno: "Nice job, lil sis."

I smiled and stood up before walking over to Nico reading his manga.

Jinx: "You know, Nico. I know you enjoy just looking at what's happening. But I can read it to you if you want."

Nico: "Really?! That'd be amazing!"

I sat next to him and read him everything the characters are saying, making it an even more fun experience.

Nico: "That was way more fun! Thanks, Jinx."

Jinx: "Any time, big brother."

Rock: "Jinx, quick quiz. What is an elephant?"

Jinx: "Uh- uhm... I got this... It's a bird- no, mammal! With a long... tail- no, nose!"

Rock: "That's right, you got it."

I smiled triumphantly. Since Kiji made that comment about no one teaching me anything, my brothers take turns in giving me lessons, then testing me at random times.

Rock: "Alright, what is a tiger?"

Jinx: "Uhm... I... damn it, I forgot..."

Rock: "That's the big cat with the stripes."

Jinx: "Big cat... like Kuu?"

Rock: "... Yeah, kinda like Kuu."

Suddenly our cell door opened, we turned to see Hajime.

Nico: "Hey, long time no see, Hajime."

Rock: "How was the suspension?"

Jinx & Uno: "What do you want?"

Hajime: "Hey, why are you pasted to the wall? Come on, move your damn feet. Get in there."

Our eyes widened as Hajime pushed Jyugo into our cell.

Rock & Nico: "Jyugo, you're back!!"

Rock: "Why the heck were you gone for so long, man?"

Nico: "Have you healed from your injuries yet?"

His eyes were glued to the floor, and he didn't look happy at all.

Jyugo: "Yeah, I uh... the thing is... I just wanted to say that..."

Uno: "Then say it!!"

Uno stood up and rammed his fist into his face.

Jyugo: "Hey! Why'd you hit me out of nowhere?!"

Uno: "Shut your damn mouth! Where the hell have you been?! It's been rough back here!!"

Jyugo: "I was beaten into a coma!"

Uno: "Oh yeah, well my body's pretty sore too!!"

Jinx: "SHUT UP!"

They stop and turn to me. I stared at them, my eyes filling with tears.

Jyugo: "Jinx, I-"

He was cut off when I ran up to him and threw my arms around him.

Jinx: "I missed you so much, Jyugo..."

He knelt down so he could hug me properly.

Jyugo: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I hurt you so bad-"

Jinx: "Stop. Not another word about this stupid cut. This didn't hurt nearly as much as seeing you in so much pain."

Uno: "It was starting to feel like you'd never come back. It's no fun without you around. We can't even ditch our cell."

Hajime: "That's how it should be..."

Nico: "Hey, Jyugo, could you tell us some more of what it's like in Japan? You always tell us the coolest stories! I was starting to miss it."

Rock: "And when you get done with that, you should come grab some chow with me. Nobody else is willing to wait until I'm finished. Oh, did you hear? The new stone oven will be finished soon."

Jyugo lets go of me, still looking upset. I took a couple steps back.

Nico: "Hm?"

Rock: "Something wrong?"

Jyugo: "I'm sorry, guys. I know... that I've hidden way too much from you. I thought I could hold it all in but then at the new year's tournament, I just couldn't stop, I... I screwed up. You guys are all I have, and I turned on you."

He put his hands on the ground and his head down.

Jyugo: "I'm an idiot so... I have no idea what I can do to make that up to you. But... I swear, I'll never turn my blades against you again. So please, give me a chance to start over."

Nico: "What do you think, Uno."

Uno: "I don't know. Hard to say."

Rock: "I think it is."

Jyugo put his head up.

Jyugo: "Huh?"

Uno, Nico and Rock kneel down in front of him in awe.

Uno, Nico & Rock: "A Japanese Apology!!"

Jyugo: "You stupid jerks! Can't you take anything seriously?!"

Uno: "Jyugo! Don't worry about it!"

We smiled at him. Tears streamed down Jyugo's face and I hugged him again.

Uno: "We understand."

Jinx: "Feel better now, big brother."

Jyugo: "... thank you..."

Uno: "Ew! Gross, man! Dry yourself off!"

Jyugo: "Shut up..."

Nico: "You've kinda got a sensitive side, Jyugo."

Rock: "You can whip your tears with this."

Jyugo: "Thanks... wait a second, is this a wash rag?!"

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