Chapter 17 - Rivals

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Rock: "Where did you two run off to?"

Jinx: "Stretched our legs. Wait, where's Nico?"

Uno: "Seitarou took him to the infirmary. That last crazy attack took a lot out of him."

Mitsuru: "Kablam!! Thanks for waiting, everyone! The final event of the new year's tournament is finally about to begin!"

Uno: "Why does he look like he's been shot in the head?"

Mitsuru: "This'll be the rematch of the century!! Building 4 and its long time rival, building 13! As the referee, I wanna see a harsh brutal match, alright?"

Warden: "You've done well to come this far, officers. As have the inmates beneath you. I'm sure that this final match will be as exciting as the rest of the tournament combined. Strike each other with everything you have and win your crown. I'll delay no longer. The final event of this tournament will be Saké Barrel Opening! Here is a barrel of Nanba's finest saké. Whoever can open it first will win this game! You are permitted to enter a two man team! Consisting of one guard and one inmate."

Jyugo: "A saké barrel to end it, eh? That does fit in well with the new year theme. So which one of you is-"

Uno: "Shut up and get your butt out there!!"

Jyugo: "Sheesh! You guys are seriously lazy."

Rock: "Yeah, you're one to talk. Even Jinx has done an event!"

Hajime: "Only one guard can go. And I entered last time, so I guess I'll leave this one to you."

Yamato: "That's fine by me, sir."

Hajime: "Well then, I'll be in the smoking room. Best of luck."

Kenshirou: "You enter yourself, Hajime Sugoroku."

Hajime: "Huh?"

Yamato: "But why would he?"

Kenshirou: "You beat me last year. And it's you who I must beat now. Come, let's have a fair match."

Hajime: "I don't wanna."

Kenshirou: "And why not?"

Hajime: "Because I was up all night! And I'm tired now! Get over it! I said I won't fight and that's that!"

Kenshirou: "You can say no to me, but what about Warden Hyakushiki?"

Everyone looked up at her to see what looked like a predator staring down its prey.

Hajime: "Hey, Yamato. Is this something I have to do?"

Yamato: "If you think it might be, then maybe you should."

Hajime looked terrified by the Warden's glare.

Hajime: "Guess I have no choice."

Kenshirou: "So that changed your mind. When standing before the warden's gaze, you can't help but submit! I see... I will demolish you in this battle. Thus proving to her that I am the only man worthy of her gaze."

Jinx: "Aaand he's in love..."

Rock: "What? Why would you say that?"

Jinx: "It couldn't be more obvious that he's in love with the Warden."

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