Chapter 27 - Build it Together

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Honey: "The hell did you call us all the way out here for? I will kick your ass if it's something stupid."

Uno: "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were still sore about me kicking your ass."

Jinx: "He definitely is."

Honey: "Shut up, tiny gremlin!"

Jinx: "Make me, arrowhead!"

Uno: "Relax, bro. It was just a game. I've forgotten all about it."

Honey: "Then why do you keep bringing it up?!"

Jinx: "Cause you're fun to mess with."

Honey: "Grrr...!!"

Trois: "Hello, my name's Trios. I'm the pretty one from building 3."

Rock: "Kay..."

Honey: "I heard that, Trois!"

Uno: "If you all would care to follow me, I was hoping to show off my new game room."

Honey: "Why isn't it enough that you beat us?! Do you really have to rub it in our faces with your stupid prize?!"

Trois: "It was actually all your fault we were beaten. So he's really just rubbing it in your face."

Honey: "Shut up! He beat you too!!"

Kiji smiled and started pushing him to keep up with us.

Kiji: "Swallow your pride and have some fun. You're already here, so you might as well take a look."

Uno: "Hurry, guys! It's over here!"

We walked into the room to find it completely empty.

Kiji: "I'm confused. Why is there nothing in here?"

Honey: "What possessed you to bring us to this giant empty room?"

Trois: "It does seem rather... spartan."

Uno: "Well yeah, I haven't finished making it yet, obviously."

Honey: "HUUUH?! Why are you showing us your game room if you haven't even put a single game in it yet?!"

Uno: "Calm down, Honey bear. I've got a perfectly good reason, I promise."

Trois: "Do tell."

Uno: "I want all of us inmates to make this room together!!"

Honey & Trois: "Huh...?"

Uno: "The whole point of making a game room is having a place where everyone can get together and do stuff they enjoy together! So I wanna make sure everyone gets a say in how we set it up! Because I'm a magnanimous victor!!"

Honey: "What on earth is he trying to tell us?"

Trois: "He's even more eccentric than I gathered from our meeting at the tournament."

Nico: "Well, I guess that's Uno for ya."

Rock: "He is as extroverted as they come."

I giggled.

Hajime: "Hey, where should I put this thing?"

Seitarou: "Uh, there should work for now."

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