Chapter 16: Whiff Of Her Perfume

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It was another day and Desmond was going to meet Alexa, Crowe was wondering what did Alexa wanted to talk to him about. But other then that, Desmond still remember how Him and Kaufmen were dancing in the rain together and How they were about to Kiss. He really wished that happened.

He was walking to meet Alexa while still curious. He suddenly was hugged from behind and Saw Alexa placing her chin on his shoulder.

Alexa: Hi. Hehehe.

Desmond: Lexi...

He smiled as Alexa went off of his back and went in front of him as She was smiling at him.

Alexa: First of all,  How are you doing?

Desmond: I'm doing alright. You?

Alexa: Hehe, Good as well.

( But even better when I see you )

Desmond holded his neck and smiled feeling glad that She was doing fine.

Desmond: Good to hear, Well What did you wanted to talk about?

Alexa: Woah Woah, Not so fast Sweetie. I'm just gonna build it up hehe.

She teased and Laughed as Desmond was starring at her.

Alexa: Lets get some cookies in my Bakery then we will talk.

Without letting Desmond answer, Kaufmen grabbed Desmond's hand and Quickly ran to the Bakery as Alexa saw all of her friends.

Liv: Brought your boyfriend again, Alexa?

Alexa: *Blushes and laughs* Oh girls, He isn't even my boyfriend.

Desmond looked at Alexa's face as Hs had a small smile.

( I would feel happy to call you my Girlfriend )

Alexa: You can wait here Desmond, I'll bake some cookies.

Desmond: If you want I can help.

Alexa: Aww You don't really have too.

Alexa kissed him on the cheek so suddenly which made Desmond blush deeply as He saw Alicia and Nikki Bella smirking at him as Desmond quickly turned away.

Nikki: Oh Alicia, He is so in love.

Alicia: Dang right, Even Alexa loves him. She just doesn't wanna admit it.

Both Girls laughed as A few mintues past and Alexa baked the cookies and everyone started eating. No customers were there as Leah spoke.

Leah: Sooooo, Alexa. Did you tell Desmond?

Desmond: About what?

( Good gosh, I hope we're not going to an abandoned house )

Alexa: *Laughs* I'll tell him right now.

Alexa touched his hand which made Desmond turn and look at her. Lexi didn't speak for a few seconds focusing on Desmond's face until She snapped out of it and smiled.

Alexa: Well Crowe, The Thing I wanted to tell was. . . . . Me and the girls are planning on a sleepover party at my face!

She said it in excitement as Desmond's eyes were widen.

Desmond: A Sleepover party!?!?

Liv: Dang right! And it's gonna be awesome!!!

Toni: *Laughs* I knew he was gonna react like that.

Desmond: Lexi, Um-

Alexa: Heheh! I'm inviting you to our party too.

Desmond: B-But I'm. . . . a man?

A Sweet Medicine | Alexa Bliss X OCWhere stories live. Discover now