Day 1 at UA

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When they arrived, she hooked up his laptop and let it charge. It was so... Izuku. Especially compared to the rest of his room, it was absolutely covered in Allmight stickers. Some of which were incredibly rare... and expensive. "You really liked Allmight, didn't you?"
The ghost boy agreed. He was my favorite hero... well... before I died...

Grimacing, she apologized for bringing up memories of the other day. "Sorry."
Eager to move on from this particular topic, Izuku pivoted the conversation to something he figured they would both love to talk about. Don't worry about it... who's your favorite?

Immediately, she glanced at one of the scant posters on the wall. All of them were space themed, but only one had a hero on them. And it was her personal favorite. "Hero Thirteen."
The Space hero! She specializes in Search and Rescue, right?

Nodding, while thinking of the heroine fondly, she agreed, "Yep."

Cautiously, the boy asked, Is... Is that the hero you want to be?

With a determined look in her eyes, unable to be seen by either person in this conversation, she vehemently agreed. "Yes... I want to be a person who saves others, not just hurts villains."

That's... that's noble. Izuku was in awe. At least he was possessing a girl with the morals and conviction to become an amazing hero. He'd help her however he could. The entrance exam was soon, and they couldn't afford to miss it, or fail. So he'd do what he could.

Meanwhile, Ochako yawned out a "Thanks..." before checking the time. "It's late... I'm going to get some sleep."
If he was alive, he'd smile nervously, merely stating: Ok.

The exams had been unlike anything they'd ever seen. Due to the previous classes having to sign NDAs, they had no idea what was coming up... until Present Mic introduced it. She had mananged to barely stop herself from laughing because of Izuku's fanboying, but... that had drawn the ire of a blue haired boy with square glasses. During the actual test, Izuku was amazed by the way she was able to use her zero gravity to subdue the opposing robots. However, due to some notes that he made, mentally, of course, the brunette was able to manipulate and utilize her power in new ways, even helping save others. When the zero point robot came crashing through, Izuku was the one to stop her panic, and help others from the force of destruction. After all, they didn't have the power to take it on.

Safe to say, when the letter arrived a week later, they were both elated, and not surprised that they passed. 47 Villain points, 35 Rescue, leading to 82 points total. What did surprise them about the letter was Thirteen's appearance. She was a staff member, yes, but the fact that she already knew her name sent Ochako into squealing like a fangirl. Correction, she was one. Even more so when the space themed hero even opened her visor, so she could smile alongside her congratulations.

It was the best day of Ochako's life, in all honesty. She even called home to her parents to share the good news. They were both very supportive, and wished her well.

"Whew... all of this... it's finally happening."

Yeah... His voice seemed somber.

"What's wrong, Izuku?"

Well... your parents supported your dream. I wish Mom believed in me. She's probably heartbroken over my death...

That made her pity the poor boy. Before now, he had mentioned his quirklessness, but didn't mention how bad it was. The fact that not even his mother, the person supposed to help support him... just didn't. It was heartbreaking. Because of that alone, Ochako decided to support him in any way she could. Even if it meant that he could live viacariously through her. She would be a hero for him, as well as her family.

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