Welcome to China

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The flight was uneventful. During this time, she was able to study maps of China, in order to understand the most efficient way to get to Wuhan. It was in the interior of the nation, yet there was a lot interference about the region itself. To get there, the twin souls would be landing in Shanghai, the closest major city, and then they'd need to take a highway north towards Hefei, then go southwest to Wuhan itself. 

There was an exclusion zone, so they'd need to walk on foot after reaching Hefei

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There was an exclusion zone, so they'd need to walk on foot after reaching Hefei. Or fly. They did have wings, after all. Putting away her map, she sighed contentedly as the pilot announced, "Attention passenger, we will be landing in Shanghai shortly. I hope you have all your effects in order, as the Japanese ambassador will escort you to the embassy after landing. Have a pleasant trip."

She didn't say anything, for fear of being called mad, but instead kicked out at Sebastian, who was still asleep. Nobody saw the action. He jolted awake. "I'm up. We here already?"

Ochako nodded.

"Good." He got to his feet and stretched as the seatbelt sign came on, and the plane descended. He wasn't affected by the turbulence at all, still remaining standing. Izuku wanted to ask, but they agreed to only speak to him when in privacy. Maybe they'll have the chance. Maybe they won't. The plane landed, the flight attendant opened the door and helped her down the stairs. At the bottom was a limo with two well dressed men in suits, and a woman waiting outside. She was short, with blue hair with silver tips, and blue eyes. Her quirk appeared to make her similar to a genie, as below her dress was smoky whisps of a blue & silver color.

Her voice was welcoming, if a bit stilted. Working in China all the time would change one's accent. "Are you Ochako Uraraka?"

The brown haired girl nodded.

"Good. I am ambassador Taishi Shirubātan. Please..." She gestured to the limo. "Follow me."

As the luggage was put into it, the UA student asked, nervously, "Um... will I be able to fit?" She asked, glancing at her left wing.

Immediately noticing the problem, the ambassador was apologetic, but didn't offer any solutions at the current moment. "Unfortunately, this is the best we have."

"Okay..." She entered the limo and tried to find a good spot to sit, but found that she had to sit a fair distance into the limo and scrunch her wings up. This is going to hurt if I stay like this too long.

Bear with it, it's just to the embassy.

Along the ride, Ochako closed her eyes, feigning sleep while she communed with Izuku. What should I expect? She worried, Will they stop me?

I don't think so. I think Nezu may have pulled some strings to get their help. After all... your family's not exactly rich...

Thanks, Izuku. She thought grimly, yet slightly reassured, while he went into apology mode.

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