Leaving Asia

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The wing quirk accommodations in first class almost took up a quarter of first class area. Taking a seat, she was able to fully rest her wings. No cramping, no possible bone breaking, it was all very comfortable... and worth whatever price it had. Not that she paid for that at all. The fact Ochako was taking this particular flight on her country's dime did make her a little guilty.

Is this really okay? I feel like royalty...

Ochako, it's fine! Shirubātan said it would be.

Okay... It was clear that Ochako was not convinced.

However, all she could do was wait as the rest of the plane filled up with passengers. It didn't take that long, however, before the plane moved. They could hear the rumble of the engines, the rythmic thrum as the plane breathed and switched on to life. Turning towards the window, the two souls watched as the plane moved onto the runway, waited in line for another plane to land, before turning towards the airstrip.

Goodbye Nepal. You were fun.

Yeah... I wouldn't mind coming back later.

After a moment, presumably, so that the pilots could get the all clear from Air Traffic Control... but after a moment, the engines roared. If they were active before, it was certainly clear that they were now. The metal cabin shuddered as it shot forward, and torwards the end of the runway... eventually lifting off and into the sky. They were leaving Nepal behind.

The flight was the most relaxing one she'd ever had. Granted, UA's came close... but... she was stressing a lot at the time due to her body's rapid deterioration. Now she could afford to take it easy. And this one actually had wing quirk accommodations, which unfortunately, UA seemed to be behind in. Fortunately, the institute had been so accommodating, even with all of their changes. As the hours went on, she decided to watch a movie, but found many of them distasteful to one or both of them. Izuku was always awkward towards Allmight movies, and she didn't like hero movies where the protagonist was rich. He hated brutal violence, while she didn't like tragedies. Eventually, they found the non-hero section, and eventually settled onto a non-hero movie. Surprisingly, they actually enjoyed I, Frankenstein, despite it's negative reviews. It was a mix of horror, superstition, action, and a protagonist that came from nothing. Also, there was the fact it had angels and demons in it, which did appeal to them both.

Our world is really strange, now that I think about it. Everyone thinks that this is fiction, while it's actually real.

Yeah... Ochako thought, amused, Not everyone can say they've met Death, or Life, or plan to literally go to both Heaven and Hell...

She pulled up the compass, and the arrow remained consistent. Pointed in the direction of Athens. Although... now that they were nearing the city, the compass started to deviate. Seeing it start to point to the right side of the plane, she looked out her window, down towards the sea. There was an island, rocky with rough vegetation, but with clear human presence. Clicking on the built in map, a feature of the TV screen they had access to, Ochako was able to identify the island.


That's a really detailed map. I don't think buisness or economy class have that level of detail...

How are we going to get to there? I don't see an airstrip...

There look like there are docks, though.

Of course! Hopefully my quirk training helped with this...

Yeah. It should.

Speaking of them, I wonder how they're doing right now... Checking the time, she found that it was 12:40.

Toru was bored out of her mind. While her classmates were talking in the common room, she missed Ochako. Class B had been supportive, but things had gone back to normal too quickly for her liking. Deciding what to do, she eventually decided to check her phone. What surprised her was the texts she'd missed from Ochako. The first was when she landed, the next when she arrived at the embassy, another when she was at a city called Heifi?

The next few were just as concerning... showing mental decline... and then they just stopped.

Horrified, she got up, and went to look for Aizawa, only to find him heading towards the dorm building. "Sir?"
His voice was... flat, disinterested, immediately causing the light refracting girl to have second thoughts. "Hagakure."
"Um... I was going to ask..."
He seemed to know what she was after, as if already seeing through her wasn't enough... he could almost see into her mind. "About Uraraka, right?"
"How did you...?"
He interrupted the forming question, "As a teacher, I notice class interactions. And I know that you were close. I was going to give an update inside. The class apologized, but I want to remind them that she is still their classmate, even if not here."
She nodded, then said for the teacher's benefit. "Alright."

He strode past her into the dorm building, and everyone went silent. Toru had arrived just behind him. Smiling at how observant they'd become, he hid it under his scarf. "Good. You noticed my arrival quickly. I just have a major announcement about one of your classmates. It seems the first stage of Ocahko Uraraka's treatment was a success. She's doing fine, but will be out of contact for a while. She may not be back for the rest of the year as she pursues further treatment."

That was met positively, even by Katsuki, albeit grudgingly.

Toru asked, "How long do you think the... other treatment will take?"

He sighed, "I don't know. Based on the nature of her condition, it could take a couple weeks to a whole year. Or longer. I just wanted to give you an update. That is all."

Right after Aizawa dismissed them, Toru went to her friends in Class B. Far more of them were worried about her, and welcomed Toru into the group. Even Monoma was nice to her at this point, considering that she was "one of the few good ones". When she sat down in their common room, they all turned to her.

"Hey Toru! How are you?"
"Better today. Aizawa gave us an update on Ochako just now."
"Really?!" All of the girls paid attention, as well as a few of the guys. Shirosaki asked, "What, pray tell, is her condition?"

"Her treatment is working. Still needs more time, but she's going strong..." It was then that the TV interrupted them. "BREAKING NEWS. The Chinese government has made an official statement in regards to the break in into the Exclusion zone. They have released this photo of the suspect in question..."
It showed a picture of grainy security footage, but everyone could tell who it was. Based off the wings alone, they could tell that it was Ochako Uraraka. Thankfully, her face couldn't be seen. They didn't release a name either, but only one question was on their minds: Why was Uraraka in the exclusion zone?!

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