Recovery, Interview & Consequences

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Katsuki Bakugo was a boy who didn't have a single regret. He was king of the castle, and assumed that this would carry over to UA. Especially so. After all, his quirk was perfect for heroics. The sheer power would be perfect. But now he was sitting in the principal's office. Before, it had only ever been for if people had only accolades. After all, Aldera's principal only ever called him for his acceptance into UA. This had to be along similar lines.

However, Nezu had been silent as they waited. Aizawa had sent him to bed last night, and told him that they would have this meeting the next day. It was far earlier than even he would usually get up, and now the mammal that was his principal was scrutinizing him. A folder was open before him, clearly his previous student file. Perfect. That would mean that he would see nothing wrong. The teachers knew he was stellar hero material as well. 

"Young Bakugo. Before your parents get here, do you know why you are here?"

The answer was obvious. "Because I did a good job interrogating weird bitch."

The white furred mammal sighed, shaking his head. "You may have interrogated her, but it wasn't a 'good job'. It wasn't your job at all. There was no reason for your violence." The rat paused, before asking directly. "I would like for you to think, what do you think makes a hero?"

His parents entered the room, and Katsuki remained silent. Even though he knew his answer, something told him there was more to it than that.

When Ochako woke up, it was just Recovery Girl and Aizawa. Nobody else was there, and she was in the infirmary. RG was busy with her own officework, while Aizawa asked, "Are you alright?"
She looked over at him. Her body was too tired to get up. "Y-yes..." She glanced to the door, where there were one or two of her classmates there... or rather, her peers, the ones who looked apologetic. Mina and a few others in particular, and even Asui. 
The raven haired teacher spoke confidently. "Don't worry. You don't have to see them if you don't want to."
After a moment of seeing their guilty glances... she couldn't look any further. Not meeting his eyes, she stated. "I... I don't want to. I don't know what I did..."

Aizawa stood up, and shooed people away from the room, telling them to leave, meanwhile, the youthful heroine told her why, while giving a physical examination for any further issues. "They are wondering about your eyes, dearie. Apparently they keep changing colors, and they are... concerned about it."

"My eyes don't change color."

Aizawa, returning to his chair besides the bed, immediately narrowed his eyes in suspicion of this obvious lie. "So, your classmates all have the same hallucination then? One that I have seen first hand? Is that really what you're going with?"
The Brunette cursed herself out, Crap.

Meanwhile, Izuku sighed, agreeing with her. You walked right into that one... should we just tell him then?

Unable to think of a way to breach the subject, she only said, "Uh..."
Aizawa, unblinkingly, stared right into her own eyes. "So they have a grain of truth. So tell me, why lie?"
Well, that's not a bad start.

Looking away "B-because I don't think anyone would believe the truth..."
That got a raised eyebrow. "And that is...?"

Ochako quickly composed herself. Izuku was her support, even if they were not, and that would be enough. "Is there anyone else listening?"
Recovery Girl was sympathetic: "Besides me and sourpuss? No." The man was annoyed by the nickname, but remained silent.
Earnest, she started to explain the best she could. This whole topic broached upon the concept of life after death, as limited an experience that they knew, and decided to start with a timeline of events. "Well... um, it started a month before the UA exams... I..."
Looking to her homeroom teacher, he nodded, encouraging her to continue. "Go on..."
"I saw a boy kill themselves."

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