A Long, Hard Road

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Their journey was long, as they navigated the woods. It was fortunate that most of them were unable to be exhausted... except for the one who needed the journey in the first place. Shaking from exertion, Izuku asked Viraleur, "How... how are you able to thrive when you sound so..."
"Sick?" the deity asked, amused. "Because I am a concept... You... and Sebastian... over there..." She motioned to the silent angel, "Can only see... what your minds... can comprehend. So... I appear... weak... sick... but I am far... more... than that..." She wheezed out in response. "I... am not what... you fear... but what... life perceives... sickness to be..."

"That... makes sense. So you don't appear in a way you want to, but in a way we perceive you to?"
She nodded, "You... are very bright... Izuku... Midoriya... I assume... Ochako would be... too... if her mind... wasn't half gone..."
"What? What are you talking about?"
She glanced at him, nearly coughing in her response. "You... know... the toll... you cause... on her. Don't... deny the truth..." Her voice was almost anticipating the despair Izuku was starting to feel as he, in her head, asked, Ochako! Is that true?

Her voice was confused, which was what exactly worried the boy's soul. What true...?

Have... have you been out of it?

I'm sorry, out of what...? It's a little hard to think... Don't worry, it's nothing.

Nothing?! Ochako, it's concerning! Very concerning! Do you at least remember why we're doing this?

Yes! We're going to find life to help fix... me.

At least you remember that... hm... do you remember why you want to be a hero?

Yeah, um... it's because... because... I want to help... Who did I want to help?

You... don't remember?

It'll come back! I know it will!

Ochako, you wanted to be a hero so your parents could live comfortably.

That was the reason! Why did you ask that...?

Because your mind is giving out.

Oh... Shit.

She laughed, a horrible rasping laugh. Turning to her, Izuku watched in horror as the deity fucking laughed at her struggle. "It seems... you may soon... be on your own. And that's before... my sickness claims you... which can be just... as painful. So... you better not fall behind."

The ascent over the nearest mountain was harsh and unforgiving, especially to Ochako. Izuku was forced to take over multiple times, to push her beyond normal limits. Soon enough, however, it was night, and impossible to continue. Ochako had to plea with Viraluer to not leave them in the night, and she stayed, to their surprise.

As Sebastian tended a temporary campfire, Ocahko asked, "Um... how much farther?"
The deity glanced upwards, almost checking the stars from between the trees. "Hm... It would be... my guess... a day... no more. Probably only... a few hours. You made... good time... even with my plague..."

"You should sleep, Izuku, Ochako. It will be tough if you don't."

"Thank... Thank you..." Izuku said as he forced them to try to catch some sleep.

Birds chirped as Ochako woke up. Izuku was still asleep, and so she looked around. Where... oh... right... we're following her.

Viraleur was watching the brunette as she got to her unsteady feet. "I... see... you're struggling?"

"Not as bad as yesterday..." She barely held back a cough, which amused the deity. She seemed... curious, over the resistance to her power, as insidious and withering as it is.

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