The USJ part 1

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Soon enough, all their classes' efforts materialized into a hero course exclusive training session at the USJ! Or, to clear the air, especially when it came to their... less bright classmates, the Unforseen Simulation Joint. It was a place for heroes to practice rescue manuvers, as well as understand how their quirks can be used to save lives, not take them. When they arrived, the hero Thirteen greeted them, chipper under her helmet. Ochako had to hold back from squealing in delight at the sight of her all time favorite. That's Thirteen! My Favorite hero!!!

Izuku was just happy that the brunette he possessed was happy. I'm sure you can get an autograph afterwards.

However, both of them saw the... unwelcome addition by the waterfall. A swirling purple fog that did not belong here. Wait... what is that behind her?

That... that looks like a portal... You should probably ask about it...

Ochako raised a hand, and Aizawa acknowledged the question. When she was picked, she lowered her hand to point behind them. "Sir, what's with that thing down there?"

Realizing the nature of the question, the heroes turned to see what it was, before Aizawa's voice sharpened. "What? Students, get back! Those are villains! 13, protect the students. Try to call for help."

Izuku couldn't help but blurt out, to their classmates' surprise. "Be careful, Eraserhead!" Most would have called them Aizawa. That definitely made her... wierd actions seem even weirder.

He engaged the villains, holding his own, and Izuku thought a running commentary on the fight. His voice was awed, yet still concerned, deep in the back of their shared mind. This is his forte! The ability to use his scarf, tools, and quirk allows him to make the most out of any fight!

You really studied every hero...

Not missing a beat, he agreed. Yeah! I'm amazed by their quirks and their use!

However, Ochako was more worried by the one who chose not to fight directly. He watched and waited, with disembodied hands covering his arms and even his head. Creepy in design and mannerisms... yet... it was easy to tell what he was feeling. The leader looks angry...

Yeah... he's probably going to call for reinforcements...

A portal opened and a monstrous humanoid walked out. The man down there barked an order with a reaspy voice. "Nomu, attack!" Whatever it was... it was clearly not human. That being, because Izuku could tell the difference. That thing isn't human. It just doesn't feel like one. 

Soon after the order was given, however, it screeched inhumanly, quickly moving faster than any normal person, and immediately started to catch and pummel Aizawa.

Horrified, Izuku stated the obvious. We have to do something!

Ochako countered, just as afraid, But we can't, we're just students!

With a moment of internal silence, the two observed the situation. Everyone was paralyzed, watching in fear as their teacher was beaten to the brink of death. Thirteen stayed by the students, only to act as a shield, but still horrified by the... Nomu... breaking Aizawa.

That was when Izuku got an idea... all because nobody was moving. If we can't fight, we can at least get a warning out! Tell Iida to run for help!

That made sense, especially since he had literal engines on his legs. He would be the best to call for help. Right, he's the only one that can!

Ochako, turning to the bluette she had trouble with during the UA exams, asked, "Iida, can you go run for help?"
He was horrified by the honorless action she was proposing. "I can't leave you behind!"
She shook her head. "You're the only one that can outrun that smoke villain... Please... It's the only way we're going to get out of here..."

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