34 🎡

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After dinner we came back to the house. I decided to set everything up for the baby. Made sure I bought enough of everything. My heart swelled with love the moment I picked up the little outfits I got him. I checked my phone every half hour to see if there has been any update, but I have not heard a word from Owen. I went downstairs to get me a glass of milk when the nausea feeling hit me again. I raced to the bathroom just in time. The better half of two hours were spent on the bathroom floor.

The moment I think the sick feeling is gone it rushes back in as if it has been called. I finally pulled myself from the floor to wash my face when I hear the front door open. I rush towards them. Owen, Deckard, and the baby boy. I forget all about the grown men as I take the baby from Deckard's arms. "Look at him. Is he not just the cutest?" The baby starts to giggle in my arms as I sway it lightly. "Well, we are also okay if you wondered."

I turn back to them. I roll my eyes at them and peak Owen on the lips. I leave them standing there as I go take the baby with me. For the past week I spent every living moment with the baby. Most of the nights I do not even sleep in our bed anymore because the baby is awake. My nausea has gotten better it must the stupid stress that something happened to Owen that made me so sick. Certain things still bring me down on the bathroom floor, but I know the last couple of weeks has been stressful.

"Baby, when am I going to have you to myself again?" I turn and see a shirtless Owen leaning against the nursery doorframe. I look back to see if the baby is asleep. "Well, if this is what I get as an invitation back to bed I am more than happy to accept." I lean up and capture his lips with mine. I have a sudden hot flash that ran through my body the moment our lips touched. Never in my life have a craved him more. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. Run my tongue over his bottom lip. His hands move down to my ass to cup them. He urges me to jump, and he carried me back to our room.

The sunlight coming from the east side woke me up with no mercy. A strong arm is securely wrapped around my waist. Last night's events rush back to me and I cannot stop the smile on my face. Just as I turn to give him a kiss a new wave of nausea hits me. I jump up grab the sheet and wrap it around myself as I try and stop myself. As I flush the toilet Owen is behind me. "Babe, what is wrong? This whole week you have been rushing to the bathroom with nausea. Should we not get you to a doctor?"

I shake my head and wipe my mouth. "No, I know what is wrong. I have been so worried about you, Chiper and this baby that now must grow up without a mother. It is all too much for me. I will be fine once everything is sorted." He does not look convinced, so I give him a long kiss. "Now move, I need to get dressed. My brother wants his baby back." As I walk past him, he slaps my ass and I blow him a kiss. I had a nice shower, got dressed and packed all the baby stuff. As I got to where Deckard are waiting for us Owen comes out as well.

"Are you sure you do not want to come with?" He shakes his head and kisses me. "Your brother hates me. I cannot be the reason he hates you too. He is family. Go make up. I will not be going anywhere." I smile and give him one last kiss. Deckard drove us to the airport. The flight was not too long, but I was tired. I figured it must be for getting up every night for the baby. The moment we stopped at our old neighbourhood a lot of old memories came rushing back. I stood there for quite some time, but my feet eventually began to move.

Once we got up everyone got quiet as they were staring at us. I walk over to Dom. Letty kissed his cheek and patted me on the shoulder. I gave the little guy over to his dad. I have never seen Dom smile so bright. He then turns his attention back to me. "Thank you." I smile and take the baby's hand in mine as a sign off playfulness. "I guess I already know the answer, but I still have to ask, you going to stay with Shaw?" I see the sadness in his eyes and slowly nod. Wipe some tears away. "I love him, Dom." He nods and pulls me into a hug. We stay like that for a good few minutes before we got called to the table for dinner.

2 years later

The phone on the nightstand starts to buzz like crazy. Immediately got me out of my slumber. I swing my legs over the side of the bed. It is a London number. I feel my heart pounding and my blood racing. My hands are trembling as I try to focus on the answer slide. Take a deep breath, Ashley. Before the call could end, I answer with a shaky voice. "Hello?"

The line is still. I can feel the anticipation clawing my chest. "It is Deckard. I need your help." A sadness fills my chest like rocks. I get back in bed. Pull the sheets up. "How do you even have my number or better how did you find me?" He chuckles and I can hear the people in the street chatting. "I have my ways." I roll my eyes and keep quiet. "Ash, please. I know you are no longer a part of our lives but this is important." 

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