18 🍭

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Ashley's POV

"Would you stop moving so much ?" I look down at Deckard. After his one on one with Hobbs he got a few bruise, a few nasty cuts. The results from throwing a bomb in a DSS offic.

"I don't need the cuts to be cleaned Ashley. I'm fine." He wants to stand up but I force him back down. "Yeah and in the next two days you'll get an infection because these are not average glass that is trapped in your skin. The give of toxic chemicals."

He keeps quiet as I pull the last bit of glass out. Clean the wound and dress it. Removing the gloves. I move to wash my hands. "Thank you." I nod and rub them fiercely under the warm water.

I turn back and lean against the counter. He pulls his short back on. "Well your brother is planning on saving a girl named Ramsey. Know her ?" Ramsey. Yeah I've heard her name a few times back in London.

"She designed a device called the god's eye. It can track anyone anywhere. At this moment Ramsey is in possession of Jakade." I am not going to ask how he knows.

Owen told me about his brother. They seemed close from all the stories I've heard. "So our plan is to intercept?" He looks back at me. Quiet for a moment and then slowly nods.

"You catch things on quick." Nodding I step forward. I pick up all the supllies I had used on him. Throwing the used items in the bin. "When are we leaving ?" He looks back at me. Like he tries to question me.

"Don't you want to stay with my brother? Or are you already plotting against me with yours ?" I get so angry with him. I don't get why he hates me so much. I throw down my bag. The one I started to pack when this conversation started.

"I don't know why you keep doubting my loyalty but frankly I don't give a shit. I'm not doing this for you I'm doing it for Owen. For us." He doesn't reply to my outburst. I grab the bag and walk towards the door.

"Well then I see you when I see you." I dissapear out the door. Not in the mood to keep in the company of a man that clearly hates me. I make my way to the hospital.

The nurses there already knows me and they don't try to stop me from visting him. I lost track of time and an hour or three could've easily passed. I give him a small kiss on the lips.

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