16 💥

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Ashley's POV

"As we walked out I knew I wanted to see him again. I needed to see him again. He asked for my keys. Telling me he called a cab. He won't let my drive while I'm wasted. I didn't protest. As I got into the cab he pulled my arm back slightly. Giving me a soft kiss. Goodnight kiss."

Our first kiss. I remember it like it happened yesterday. Jack is busy falling asleep again.

"So the next morning I found my car parked outside the apartment building. I told myself that I'll never see him again. I mean what's the odds?"

Taking my last sip. I know Mia won't let me order another one. I push the mug back.

"I was pissed with Smith that morning. He hired his cousin to work a job with us. Absolute idiot. He almost got us caught."

I fold my hands looking down.

"So when we arrived back to the warehouse I made my way up to give him a piece of my mind. Little to my knowledge that Shaw would be there. Frankly I didn't care."

The cafe is starting to pick up some business.

"I stormed in and told Smith exactly what I thought of his decision. Not caring if Shaw was seated on the couch. Smith was scared of me. I saw it in his eyes. He also knew that without me he would crumble."

Mia puts Jack bag into his chair. Fast asleep again.

"As I was about to walk out I heard a voice say 'I knew the strategy looked familiar' I stopped in my tracks. That voice I knew. Owen more known as Shaw."

Looking down at the peaceful Jack. Not a care in the world brings a smile to my face.

"I recruited me there. To work directly with him. He liked the way I do things. We built a team together. I knew I started to gain feelings for him but I hid it. Not ready for rejection. I knew he didn't have time for women."

My stomach growls. Maybe I should get something to eat. Blueberry pancakes would be lovely.

"We got into a nasty fight the one night. We screamed at each other. I got so pissed at him. I walked past him towards my car. Anger boiling inside me. He stormed after. Yelling at me not to walk away from him."

The pancakes taste delicious. I offer to share with Mia. She accepted.

"Just as I reached my car he grabbed my wrist spinnig me around to face him. A was about to slap him with my other hand but he caught it. Pushing me back against the wall."

These pancakes reminds me of the one time Shaw and I went to Spain. The best damn holiday ever.

"He kissed me. Hard and heated. In that moment I didn't really care if he could figure out my feelings I just wanted him."

"Well one thing lead to the other

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"Well one thing lead to the other. I lost my virginity to him. I don't regret it for a moment. The next morning we carried on as if nothing happened."

Pushing the plate to the side. I remember how angry I was.

"I saw him with a girl that night. Flirting and chatting. It pissed me off. I told Vegh that I'm done. I was about to leave when he caught up to me."

I felt pure rage. I suprises me that I didn't kill her.

"I told him that I was leaving no need for me to stay between skanks. He didn't say anything so I made my way over towards Klaus and Jah. Drinking and laughing with them. Even dancing. I must admit it became a very heated dance."

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