15 🏍

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Ashley's POV

On my way to the airport my phone rings. At first I wasn't interested to answer but it kept ringing. Mia flashed on the screen.

Ashley, please can we meet ?
Talk maybe ?

Silence followed. I knew she didn't mean what she said earlier but it still hurted. Alot.

Meet me in 20.
At the old dinner.

Am I doing the right thing ? As I walk in I see couple's sitting. Joking about everyday life. I make myself comfortable. Waiting. For about 10 minutes and then she walked in. With baby Jack.

She sat down across from me. Jack in his little chair next to her. Fast asleep. It warmed my heart to see him. I look up at her.

"Ash. I want to understand. So please, please explain it to me. Explain your love for that man." I wanted to get angry with her again. Really angry. Then I realized she doesn't know Owen the way I do.

I take a sip of my coffee and clear my throat.

"After I landed in London I went to the apartment Keth organized for me. Lovely place. Looked over the city. I felt free."

I smile softly. Remembering every part of my new beginning.

"I found a waitress job at the local cafe. It paid well for a cafe. I met Gigi there. Carefree girl made instant friends with her."

I take another sip. Look up at Mia. She listens carefully. Absorbing every small detail.

"About a month after I met her we went to a street race her boyfriend held. Smith. Real jackass if you ask me. The race brought back many good memories. I decided to participate."

Leaning back in the booth. Across the street there are kids skateboarding. I remember when Mia and I used to skateboard from the house to the shop.

"I kicked ass that night. Some of the best racers lost their titles there. Smith was impressed. Really impressed. Offered me a job."

My mug is empty. I order another one. This is a long story. It needs lots of coffee.

"I was going to be his right hand in dealing. That would verify from guns all the way through to doing heists for people."

Thanking the waitress as she brings me the refill. Jack makes small noises but is still fast asleep.

"The money was out of the world. I mean I had the driving skill. Little hacking I've down for us back here. I knew how to street fight."

There falls a silence. Mia reaches out for my hand. Gently touching it. Telling me it's okay to go on.

"The moment I started working for Smith I learned shit load of things. Improved my fighting, hacking, driving and so much more. People came to fear me."

I remember Gigi always joking that I'll never get a man because their all scared of me.

"I knew Smith worked for Shaw. I just never knew who he was. One night at a bar I was kicking ass as usual. This guy caught my eye. I was watching me carefully as I played."

Jack starts to cry. I pause and look at how Mia picks him up. Rocking him back and forth in her arms.

"He came up to me saying 'Your not playing fair. These guys will never win with your strategy.' I laughed. Look at him. Those eyes. Damn those eyes. I answered with a swift 'that's the whole idea' He continued to watch me play."

Mia takes a bottle from the bag and Jack grabs hold of it. Tight.

"After I won about £650 from them he wanted to play against me. He was good. No better than good. He kicked my ass."

Laughing I remember my face when he made the finally shot. No one has ever beaten me before.

"I was shocked. He smirked at me and offered to buy me a drink. We talked all nigh untill about 3:00 AM that morning. I learned that his name is indeed Owen."

Mia looks up at the mention of his name. She doesn't look judgmental. She looks understanding.

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