35 🇬🇧

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As I walk through the airport terminal, I get a shiver down my spine. I forgot how cold London could be. The lady at the desk if very friendly as she stamps my passport. I grab my luggage and make my way to the pickup bay. There against a brand-new Aston Martin leans Deckard. I smile to myself and walk closer. He picks me up in a hug. Spin me around before he puts me down and grabs my luggage. "It is good to see you, Ash." I nod and look around. "It is good to be back."

We drove for an hour before we arrived at C.I.A. headquarters. "Deck, what is going on?" He does not answer me. I follow him as we ride the elevator to the top floor. We are met with Hobbs. He gave Deckard an eye roll before his eyes shifted to me. "Toretto or Shaw?" I shake my head. "Toretto." Hobbs begin to laugh. "What boyfriend haven't popped the question?" I cross my arms over my chest. "He did actually I just said no."

Deckard is quiet in the corner of the room while Hobbs frown. "You are head over heels in love with him. You betrayed your own family for him and now you are telling me you turned down his proposal. Bullshit." I walk over to him and get all up in his face. "How about you mind your own fucking business." He takes a step back and held his hands up in defence. "Now, will one of you please tell me what is going on?" Both keep quiet. I feel the anger rush through my body. I grab my jacket and walk off. "When you figured it out. Call me." I take the subway back to central London.

I tried to call Mia, but I guess she is busy. She does have two children to take care of now. Dom and Letty are happily raising baby Brian somewhere that no one will easily find. I visited them a lot. Being around Brian made me feel not so alone. There is a beep on from my phone and I decided to head back to the C.I.A. As I arrive, I am shocked to see a blonde girl who has her legs wrapped around Hobbs's neck. Before I can comment on it, Deckard walks in and everyone is pulling out guns. Me included. Everyone looks at everyone. The girl stares at me with intense and I give it straight back to her. "Who the hell are you?" I could not stop myself from throwing the question out there.

She raises an eyebrow before taking her pistol of Deckard and move it over to me. "Better you tell me who you are?" I laugh and flip the safety off. Step forward with confidence. "I asked first." My tone is low, but you can sense the danger in it. She looks taken aback with my action and words. That was only for a moment before she looks me over. "Your Ash." She drops her pistol and I frown. I am confused as hell. She turns her attention towards Deckard. "And you are playing with fire."

Deckard rolls his eyes and puts his pistol away as well. I turn to him for an explanation, but the blonde jumped in. "I recognise you from the photo in Owen's wallet." My photo is still in his wallet? Hobbs decided to make himself known again. "You have your girlfriend join us as well?" The look on the blonde's face almost makes me giggle. "That is disgusting." Deckard rolls his eyes. "She's my sister." I did not expect to hear that. She walks over to me. "I can see why you would be a perfect Shaw. Way better than Nicole." She looks to Deckard and I remember Magdalene told me a little about Deckard's ex-wife.

1 year and 5 months earlier

My head is pounding. I squeeze my eyes in the hopes of getting rid of some of the pain. My arms feel heavy. There is a faint sound of beeping somewhere. My mind is foggy, and I cannot seem to figure out where I am or what is causing this pain I am feeling. I decide to prey my eyes open slightly. The light of the room is bright. It burns my eyes and I try to shield it with my left hand. My throat burns. I turn my head to the left. Try to open my eyes again this time more prepared for the bright light.

There is a monitor next to me. A drip hanging next to it and I follow the line towards my left hand where I can faintly make out that it is inserted in my hand. I start to focus on the hand and my vision is becoming clearer. I move my hand over to my belly. I move my eyes over as well just to see my flat belly. I close my eyes and open them again in the hopes that I am only imaging this but to my disappointment that is not the case. It is like my mind becomes alive. I jerk up and my eyes are no longer foggy. I grab the drip to pull it out and I feel a hand on my arm.

"Where is my baby? Where is he? Answer me!" I yelled. I yank the drip from my hand not even caring about the pain. Owen tries to calm me, but I push him back. "What did you do to my baby?" I get out of the bed. "Tell me where he is?" The nurses surrounded me. "Miss, please just calm down." I try to push them away from me, but they quickly strapped me to the bed in restrains. I am now screaming at the top of my lungs. "What did you do to my son?!" Owen takes my face in his hands. "Baby, they did an emergency C-section." 

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