Chapter 2 - Permission

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Dr Otogi: "Ah, 33, there you are."

Jinx: "Sorry I'm late, Dr Otogi. Got caught up with something."

Dr Otogi: "Alright. Kaguya, bring me the Vaseline, please. Now, child, let's see how it's been doing."

I lifted up my shirt and showed him the old cut in my side.

Jinx: "If it's better enough, can I train with Liang today?"

Dr Otogi: "We'll see. It looks like it's closed well, and it hasn't gotten infected. However, about going to building 5 and training with number 2, you'll have to talk about it with your brothers."

Jinx: "I told them about it."

Dr Otogi: "And?"

Jinx: "I... needed to use the puppy eyes they can't resist..."

Dr Otogi: "Thought so. Thank you, Kaguya."

Kaguya: "Would you like to hold my hand, 33?"

Even though it's been a long time since my cut has hurt really bad, she still says that every time. But I still take her hand anyway.

Jinx: "Thanks, Miss Kaguya."

I smiled and he talked while putting it on.

Dr Otogi: "Plus, you'll have to ask Hajime's permission."

I frowned.

Jinx: "I don't think Hajime's in a great mood today."

Dr Otogi: "You escaped with 15 again, didn't you?"

Jinx: "Uhm... yeah..."

Dr Otogi: "*sigh* You kids are always so reckless. There, all done. You have my blessing to train with number 2 today. Now, run along and see if you can get Hajime's permission."

I smile.

Jinx: "Thanks, Dr Otogi! Thanks, Miss Kaguya!"

Kaguya: "Take care, 33."

I made my way to the guard room.

Jinx: "Hey, Hajime."

Hajime: "Why are you here, 33? I thought we agreed, you could go to Dr Otogi by yourself if you went straight back to your cell afterwards."

Jinx: "I... wanted to ask you something."

Hajime: "*sigh* What is it?"

Jinx: "Well, Dr Otogi said my wound has fully healed. So, I wanted to ask you if I could go to building 5 and train with Liang. He invited me a while back, but I wasn't allowed to then. So... please, Hajime, can I go?!"

Hajime: "After what you and 15 did last night, why should I let you do anything of the sort?!"

I frowned. Then, suddenly, Kuu jumped in my arms and nuzzled his head under my chin.

Jinx: "Hey buddy. You're extra lovable today, aren't you?"

Hajime's expression changed. Kuu licked my neck and I giggled.

Jinx: "Hahaha! Stop, Kuu, that tickles!"

Hajime: "Aw, damn it..."

Kuu stopped licking and we both stared up at Hajime.

Jinx: "Huh?"

Hajime: "Fine! You can go to building 5."

I smiled.

Jinx: "Really?! Thanks, Hajime!"

Kuu jumped down.

Hajime: "I'll come and get you later. Kuu, take her back to her cell."

Kuu: "Mew."

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