Chapter 11 - Still Confused

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Later in the Infirmary...

Dr Otogi: "I swear, there must be something wrong with your building. I get as many patients from it as the rest combined. It'll be best if you spent the night here, kid."

Kaguya: "Please take care."

They both leave.

Nico: "So, Rock hasn't woken up yet. But Dr Otogi said he isn't hurt or anything, he's just in a deep sleep right now. It's the same story with Yamato. I think he attacked Seitarou. They've still got him in intensive care."

Jinx: "I'm scared... it got so quiet..."

Uno: "Anyway, that talisman. I heard that Yamato had one on too. Doubt that's a coincidence. Rock stopped moving as soon as we took his off, right?"

Jyugo: "He did."

Nico: "I'm not exactly sure but I think I've seen one of them before."

Uno: "Really?"

Nico: "I'm trying to remember."

Tsukumo sat up in the bed next to Jyugo's.

Tsukumo: "It was probably on someone from building 5. They use them on a few special prisoners there."

Jinx: "Upa..."

Tsukumo: "That's right. I've heard a little bit about how they work."

Jyugo: "Tsukumo, you weren't hurt bad, were you?"

Tsukumo: "Well, none of my bones are broken. But I could stand to practice breaking my falls."

Uno and Nico stared at him.

Tsukumo: "Huh? Is something wrong?"

Uno: "It's just... were you always this type of character, man?"

Nico: "Where's your ninja voice?"

Tsukumo put his face in his hands.

Tsukumo: "Stupid, stupid, stupid! I've broken my cover, how embarrassing!"

Uno: "Wait, so you aren't a ninja?!"

Tsukumo: "No, I am. I just-"

Nico: "Huh?! Tsukumo isn't really a ninja?!"

Tsukumo: "I... sort of am..."

Uno & Nico: "He's a Japanese ninja imposter!"

Tsukumo: "It's... kind of a long story..."

I rolled my eyes and tugged on Uno's braid.

Uno: "Ow! Hey!"

Jinx: "Lay off, you two."

Nico: "Wait, did you you know?"

Jinx: "Yeah... Jyugo and I have known for ages."

Uno & Nico: "Ehh?!?"

Jyugo: "It's not a big deal...... Listen, Rock wasn't himself back there. Talismans aside, the Rock I know isn't like that."

Tsukumo: "Building 5 developed those talismans to control certain chi users. For a master of qigong like Upa, it essentially functions to keep his powers in check. To keep it from being dangerous to those around him."

Jinx: "But Rock and Yamato don't know any qigong."

Tsukumo: "This is only a theory, but if the primary function of the talisman is to keep whoever's wearing it under control, then perhaps when it's place upon a non-chi user, the power it exerts is even greater."

Nico: "So you think those talismans were controlling their minds?"

Jinx: "It sounds like it when you put it that way."

Uno: "Okay, fine, let's say Yamato and Rock were controlled by these things. That still doesn't tell us who was behind it all. Those two are both pretty tough guys. It can't have been easy to get those talismans on them. What do you think would make it worth doing?"

Tsukumo: "No clue. But whoever put them on them had time to pick a good place. You'd think they would have resisted."

Nico: "You were at building 5, any idea why you and Jinx are still okay?"

Jinx: "Wait, I remember something!"

They turned to me.

Jinx: "After Rock fought Samon, both him and Yamato were fine. But at some point after that, while Tsukumo and I were training with Liang, they just disappeared somewhere. One minute they were watching us, totally fine... the next... they were just gone."

Tsukumo: "That- that's right. When they finally came back from wherever, that's when the strange behaviour started."

Uno: "The more we find out, the more confused I get."

I looked over at Jyugo who was being very quiet and noticed his fist clench. I got up and took his hand.

Jinx: "I'm sorry I punched you before, Jyugo... but we'll figure this out, okay?"

He gave me a small smile.

Uno: "Alright, how about this. We're clearly not going to get anywhere by guessing or arguing. So why don't we just go to the source?"

Jinx & Jyugo: "Huh?"

He smiled and winked.

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