Chapter 4 - 3v1

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Jinx: "Hi, Liang!"

Liang: "Glad you could come, Jinx. Your brothers aren't here?"

Jinx: "No. If they did, you'd probably get beat up every time you throw a hit at me."

Liang: "You know I'm not going to hurt you, right. This is more teaching you how to fight, how to defend yourself. Build up your strength a little. Then maybe they won't worry so much."

Jinx: "I hope so."

Liang: "Anyway, let's get started. Show me what you got."

He held up his hand and I punched it as hard as you could.

Jinx: "Ow."

Liang: "Not bad, not bad at all. You're quite strong for someone your size."

Jinx: "Really?"

Liang: "Yeah, I was expecting nothing more than a love tap, but that was a solid hit."

I smiled.

Liang: "But you hurt your knuckles, huh?"

I nodded. He crouched down and took my hand.

Liang: "Here, let me show you. Start by making a fist."

I did as he said.

Liang: "Okay, very good. Now, this is important. Don't let your thumb stick out past your knuckles, cause that's how you get it broken."

Jinx: "Kay."

Liang: "So tuck it in, right there. Never put it inside your fist cause it'll crush on impact. Okay, looks good. Now for the actual punch."

He stood up and demonstrated.

Liang: "Your goal is to get as much force as you can. So you want to bring it back first, keep your muscles nice and tight. And then, shoot it out!"

Jinx: "Got it!"

Liang: "Alright, from the top."

I tried it while reciting.

Jinx: "Fist, tuck in the thumb on the outside, bring it back nice and tight, and HYA!"

Liang: "Hahah, that was very good. You're a quick learner, Jinx."

I smiled triumphantly.

Jesse Waldock: "Don't come at me, those of you who are really good at martial arts... I did my best, okay!"

Samon: "Number 2, what's the kid from building 13 doing here?"

Liang: "Lesson on combat. Why don't you join us?"

Samon: "Uhm, I'd love to take you up on that, but I have a big stack of paperwork to do."

Jinx: "Aww, come on, monkey."

Samon: "Don't call me that!"

Liang: "Why don't you make Inori do that paperwork?"

Inori: "Hey!"

Samon: "Not a bad idea. I mean he doesn't do any work normally."

Liang: "The other day, he snuck into our cell just to watch a horse race."

Inori: "Yeah... but, you know how it is... we all need a break."

Samon: "*sigh* Alright, Inori, you can train 33 with number 2."

Inori: "A-actually, I don't think I can... they'd just be using me as a punching bag."

Liang: "Are you that scared of how hard this seven year old girl can hit?"

Inori: "No! B-besides, there's a very important race on this afternoon."

Samon looked suddenly furious.

Jinx: "Ooohhh, you shouldn't have said that..."

Samon: "Number 2..."

Liang: "Yes?"

Samon: "I think young 33's lesson today should be how to fight three versus one!"

Liang: "Yes, sir!"

Jinx: "Yeah, beat up boar man!"

Inori: "No... wait a second-"

Samon: "The only thing you're concerned about is SLACKING OFF!"

Samon and Liang, along with me and my new found skill, knocked him right through the roof.

Samon: "Heh, that should teach him some work ethics."

I laughed.

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