Chapter 23 - Strings Attached

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Uno spun around.

Honey: "They already caught up with us?!"

Trois: "We never should have slowed down."

Uno picked me up with one hand and grabbed Jyugo's wrist with the other. He ran with us towards Honey and Trois.

Jyugo: "Uno..."

Uno: "It's okay, don't worry about it! That's just who you are, man!"

We were almost to them when the two guards from before bolted out of the smoke.

Uno: "LOOK OUT!"

In a split second of thinking, Uno threw Jyugo up. However the two guards went straight past Uno and I, one of them grabbed Jyugo. Infront of us, Ruka's head came out of a puddle.

Ruka: "We'll neutralise their little lockpicker friend first."

The guard slammed Jyugo against the wall.

Trois: "They caught Jyugo!"

Ruka fully emerged from the puddle.

Ruka: "Once he's cut out of the picture, your options will be quite limited. Crush him."

He hit Jyugo, hard.

Jinx: "NO!"

Uno put me down to look me in the eyes.

Uno: "Stay here! And the first chance you get, run to Trois and Honey!"

I nodded. He turned me around to face them.

Uno: "No matter what you hear, do not turn around!"

Ruka: "Don't stop now, Youriki."

Uno: "I'M COMING!!"

He headed towards Jyugo, dodging around the other guard. I was facing the other direction. The only thing between me and them was Ruka.

Uno: "JYUGO!!"

Jyugo: "Uno... look out..."

Ruka disappeared back in the puddle.

Jinx: "That's my chance."

Trois held his hand out to me.

Trois: "Come on, Jinx!"

I ran to them until I heard Uno fall behind me.

Ruka: "You're quite the pest as well."

Uno: "Where did you come from-?!"

I turned.

Trois: "No, don't turn around!"

Ruka had Uno pinned down.

Ruka: "Making a nuisance of yourself is not something I would advise, darling."

He pulled out a dagger.

Ruka: "Stay still like a good boy and enjoy the show."

Youriki kept hitting him.

Jinx: "UNO! JYUGO!"

I tried to run to them.


Trois wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight. I struggled.

Jinx: "Why does everyone keep grabbing me?! LET GO!!"

Trois: "I can't, Jinx..."

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