Chapter 20 - Kappa Appears

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Honey: "Why are you just standing there?"

Jyugo: "Huh?"

Honey: "Well, you know you're the only one who can open the lock."

Jyugo: "Yeah, right..."

I took Jyugo's hand.

Jinx: "Come with me, okay."

He nodded and walked with me. He and I were both walking a few meters behind Uno and Honey.

Honey: "This silence makes me nervous. I wonder why we haven't been caught."

Uno: "Don't question it. Maybe they have better things to do than follow us around. Or their security sucks."

Honey: "If you're right, we may have the run of this building."

Uno: "Hey, who are we to complain about an easy job?"

I was staring up at Jyugo who was clearly lost in his own thoughts.

Honey: "Tell me. Just how long have you known that friend of yours?"

Uno: "Who? You mean Jyugo? Well, we've ended up in the same prison more than once. Got into the habit of escaping together too. We've been buddies for a pretty good while now."

Honey: "He's too quiet. I can't ever tell what he's thinking. Although I suspect he's simply dim-witted."

Uno: "He's not a big talker. Hell, I've never been able to tell what's on his mind. I guess I just got used to it. Once you understand the kind of person he is, those things don't matter."

Honey: "Is that so?"

Uno: "And besides, I think a person that takes a little getting to know is way more fun than a person you can read like a book. Over time, they show you who they are."

Honey: "..."

Uno: "Once you've spent more time with Jyugo, I think you might actually like him."

Honey: "Heh, I doubt it."

Jyugo: "They're talking about me, aren't they?"

Jinx: "Huh?... well-"

Jyugo: "What are they saying?"

Jinx: "Honey's just curious about you, that's all."

Jyugo: "Curious?"

Jinx: "Well... you're not exactly the easiest person to read a lot of the time, Jyugo..."

I gave him a smile.

Jinx: "But that's okay. You can share stuff with us when you want to."

Jyugo: "Hm?"

Jinx: "We know you still got your secrets. About your past and maybe some other stuff. But Uno and I aren't going to force you to talk about something you don't want to."

Jyugo: "Jinx..."

Jinx: "If you do want to tell us, you'll do it in your own time, big brother."

I smiled and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Then suddenly I caught a strong familiar scent. I ran to catch up, pulling Jyugo with me.

Jinx: "Uno! Honey!"

They stopped and turn to me.

Jinx: "It's Kiji. He's nearby."

Honey: "What?! Are you sure?"

Jinx: "His perfume is not an easy scent to forget-"

???: "I thought I might have heard the pitter patter of vermin, and here I find the rats. I don't know how you lot escaped from your cells, but you've certainly caught my attention. I'll punish you with vigour."

Uno and Honey both screamed and cried.

Uno: "Stranger danger!!"

Honey: "We're weary travellers! Please have mercy!"

???: "Stop your crying!"

Uno: "I wanna save Nico... Everything is so hard!"

Honey: "He's too fabulous..."

Uno: "It's too much. I'm over it."

I stroked their backs.

Jinx: "There there, boys... It's alright."

???: "Quit that snivelling and fight me!"

Trois was just catching up.

Trois: "We're going to be captured. Why are you being so loud?"

???: "Yoo hoo..."

The strange man blew a kiss to him.

Jinx: "Creepy..."

Trois: "Parden me, but I'm afraid we already have a queen."

???: "I assure you that you don't! How dare you lump me in with that big bird of blush! He's a man who puts on makeup! And I'm a fabulous, beautiful queen! Do you see the difference?!"

We stared at him blankly.

Uno: "That's like comparing spotted garden eels and splendid garden eels."

Jyugo: "No one compares eels. Try like... zaru and mori soba."

Honey: "A better example would compare Santa Claus to Father Christmas. Clearly one in the same."

Trois: "Oh I see, a lover's kiss verses a French kiss."

Jinx: "Or like a mouse and a rat. No one really sees the difference."

Uno: "I guess. But I think it's more like chips and fries."

Jyugo: "I'm gonna stick with noodles."

???: "Oh, alright... It appears I'm nothing more than a joke to you brats! We'll see how long that lasts."

They started crying again.

Jyugo, Uno, Trois & Honey: "We're sorry we made you mad!"

???: "Oh, we're well past apologies! I've had enough of your shit!"

I was getting fed up with this guy.

Jinx: "Hey!"

???: "My, my... It's been a very long time since I've seen a girl. Let alone a small one. You are cute, aren't you?"

Uno scowled and pulled me behind him.

Jinx: "Who the hell even are you?!"

Ruka: "I am Ruka Gojou. I work with Enki."

Jinx: "Well... shit..."

Two more guards came up behind him.

Uno: "Oh look. You brought us a couple creepy guards with talismans over their faces."

Honey: "How sweet. And their attack charms at that. So kind of you."

Jinx: "You guys are weirdly calm for the ones who were crying just a few seconds ago."

The two guards pulled out weapons. Uno knelt down and picked me up on his back.

Honey: "You know what... We should be running!"

Uno: "Yeah! Right behind ya!"

Ruka: "You better hurry... Go, now! Fetch them, boys!"

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