Chapter 3 - Catastrophe

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On the way back, I wondered why Kuu became extra affectionate all of a sudden. Then I remembered what Jyugo said the first time, I held him...

Jyugo: "You two are such a cute duo."

Jinx: "You knew he couldn't say no to me if you showed him how cute we are together?"

Kuu: "Mew!"

I smiled.

Jinx: "Thanks, Kuu."

Kuu and I jumped through the bars. My brothers ran up to me and all tried to pick me up together.

Nico: "Jinx, you're back! I missed you!"

Jinx: "I was gone for less than an hour."

Uno: "You could have gotten hurt out there!"

Jinx: "I managed."

Rock: "Or gotten lost!"

Jinx: "That's kind of impossible... Extreme hearing and smell, remember?"

Jyugo: "Did you run into any thugs?!"

Jinx: "This is a prison, Jyugo! What do you think?!"

I sighed and they put me down.

Jinx: "You guys are starting to sound less like my brothers and more like my moms."

Uno: "Considering your history, I don't know how to feel about that comment..."

Jinx: "My point is, you guys are being a little too overprotective."

The Boys: "Whaaaat??"

Jinx: "Anyway, Kuu helped me convince Hajime to let me go to building 5."

Jyugo: "Kuu?"

Rock picked him up.

Rock: "Hey, Kitty."

Kuu: "Mew."

Jyugo: "Wait, why is he still here?"

Uno: "Probably because you and Jinx are here."

Jinx & Jyugo: "Huh?"

Uno: "It's no secret you two are his favourite inmates."

Rock: "Look at how cute he is! I just wanna put him in mittens and throw some yarn... Here."

Rock held him out to Nico. He flinched.

Nico: "I would but I can't. Whenever I touch a cat, something terrible happens."

Uno: "Huh, you don't say..."

He grinned.

Jinx: "Uno, don't."

He started pushing Jyugo towards him.

Uno: "That cat follows you wherever you go! Walk over to Nico!"

Jyugo: "Why the heck would I?!"

Uno: "Because I wanna see what happens!!"

Rock started pushing on him too. Jyugo looked terrified.

Jyugo: "Just pick the cat up and do it yourself!"

Rock: "That doesn't sound safe at all!"

Uno: "Heave and HO!"

They laughed as Jyugo fell onto Nico. As expected, Kuu followed him. When the smoke cleared, it revealed Jyugo with a full cat head. I squealed and jumped behind Uno. Though he was just as scared as me.

Jyugo: "I hope your happy now!"

Uno: "Can somebody please tell me when he goes away..."

Jinx: "This is your fault, Uno!"

Rock: "Might not be so creepy if it wasn't just his head."

Nico: "You have cat ears."

Rock: "Do I?"

Hajime: "What in the hell is going on here?!"

Jyugo: "Hajime, Uno and Rock pushed me!"

Uno: "Nuh uh!"

Jinx: "Did to!"

Uno: "Tattle tale!"

Hajime: "Do I look like your preschool teacher?!?! *sigh* 15, infirmary, now. 33, come with me. Number 2's waiting for you."

Jinx: "Okay."

I elbowed Uno before leaving.

Uno: "Ow!"

Jinx: "You better say you're sorry!"

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