Chapter 12

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The shed was located right behind Bruno's house and it was basically where Herb dumped all the farming equipment he didn't make use of or know their uses.

Bree had never been to Bruno's house but now, standing in front of the two storey house with a 16ft tall garage door and expensive furniture on the patio, Bree was convinced Bruno's paycheck was a lot more than she had initially thought.

The ground was wet from the rain and perfectly mowed grass caressed her ankles as she made her way to the front door. Bree had seen a lot of fine wooden doors but wherever Bruno had gotten his was certainly not from a mere carpenter in Maine.

She pressed the doorbell, looking around and at the fenced garden a few feet from the edge of the house. Her Valentine date with Norman was flower themed but Bruno's garden was where flowers literally came from. Bree stared at the different kinds she could identify ranging from asters, bugbanes, buttonbushes, goldenrods, hay-scented ferns to pagoda dogwoods, red maples, and summersweets. He even grew lavenders.

She'd done a little research after her date with Norman.

The door swung open and Bree was greeted by a smiling Lizzy. No surprise there.

"Hi, Bree. Come on in." She said casually, beckoning on Bree.

As soon as she stepped inside, the smell of freshly baked bread filled her nose. Did Bruno have a mini bakery in here as well?

The furniture was as impeccable as the ones outside - fine leather couches next to beautiful stools made out of redwood. The stucco walls were painted sheet white and the floors were polished marble, in fact, everything in the house was polished to perfection. A classic chandelier hung from the roof and Bree couldn't tell where it came from but soft music filled her ears.

The living room was the size of Bree's bedroom, bathroom and kitchen combined. Next to the television compartment stood a large cylindrical custom made clock filled with blue bioluminescent algae and a bunch of fishes swimming around.

The majestic rug lining the floor from the entrance to the door at the opposite end of the room reeked of new currency and Bree didn't know how she knew that as she didn't even bend over to sniff them - which would be totally weird.

"He's waiting for you out back." Lizzy said pointing toward a door. She wore faded shorts with a blue scarf around her head holding up her hair in a large bun. The plain white T-shirt she had on was two sizes bigger. Bree guessed it was Bruno's. Hell, he probably owned the sky above too.

Bree nodded, unable to speak as she ventured toward the back. She had left her uneasiness outside but as tiny streaks of sunlight bathed her face when the back door opened, she suddenly felt nervous again.

The lawn was wide and right next to the fence was where the shed stood - tall and wooden. It was huge enough to fit two tractors and its doors were wide open making Bree think of a huge monstrous mouth.

"It's about time." Bruno said as she approached the dark doorway. If anything, Bruno did not look rich. Same as Herb, both men drove rusty vans and wore clothes that could pass as rags. Bruno had a blue cap on with a dirty plaid sleeve atop a grey shirt and black pants. His boots looked like the ones Sawyer wore on pig duty. Bree never noticed his eyes, they were oddly golden like Herb's.

A strange thought came to her but she pushed it aside as he led her past shelves, worktables and gardening tools. A bunch of firewood was heaped right at the end of the shed. What did he even need them for?

Right behind a large compartment that looked like a single locker, Bree saw a bunch of large fishing hooks and spring traps. She'd gotten a bunch of her traps from Bruno but none came back the same or came back at all.

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