Chapter 32

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Bree's heart sank to her stomach when she spotted Beasley. Streams of tears rushed down her face and she struggled to look away but the gory scene made her eyes transfixed to the spot.

Beasley laid limp by a fallen oak tree and by the look of his multiple injuries, he had been caught in Jimothy's trap but had somehow broken free thereby causing a lot of damage. His horns had broken off and Galloway held on to one of them which was covered in blood and soot.

For a sickening moment, Bree thought his eyes had been plucked out but a closer look made her believe they had only swollen shut. His leg twisted facing the wrong way and his chest heaved in and out with effort as though he struggled for breath. He had one arm gently folded across his chest making Bree realize it was also badly broken and bent. How Galloway had managed to hurt Beasley this much was a devastating surprise to Bree.

Bree shuddered and walked further to the scene. Galloway snapped his head toward her as her form appeared by his corner.

She limped towards Beasley and knelt by his head even though her back was threatening to split like a wet cracker.

"Come to watch your pet die, no?" Galloway snickered. Even though he had managed to break Beasley, he wasn't left untouched. He was also covered in blood. His shirt had been branded with Adidas ™ sized claw marks and he had a horseshoe sized divot on his face. His eye was swollen and his jeans had been ripped at the knees. He looked weak but still strong enough to have another go at the pair.

"You've had enough. Leave him alone." Bree pleaded, gently stroking the side of Beasley's face but he was barely aware of her presence.

"Oh no. The beast killed all my men and tried to eat me. I won't spare it. It's an abomination." Galloway shrieked with rage.

Bree stared at Beasley's face. He already looked half dead and she had to lean in to hear his shallow but present breath.

"It's over. Let him go. You've already won and that's all you wanted right?" Bree asked trying to keep her voice steady but the amount of tears that came out of her made it impossible.

Galloway laughed mockingly. "Why do you shed tears for the animal? It has no feelings whatsoever, no pity. It has no sense of reasoning. It only knows to kill like the wild creature it is and i will put it down before it does me."

Bree's breath hitched as Galloway suddenly charged but a very swift force yanked her to the other side of the tree, spilling a rain of leaves and dust followed by the loudest snap.

Bree sat up quickly and gasped. Galloway was standing in front of a crouching Beasley. From his back, one end of the horn protruded whilst Beasley held the other end. He was baring his teeth at Galloway and his swollen eyes had managed to open, blazing a fearsome blue.

He leaned in and whispered something to Galloway before the man's limp body disconnected with the horn and fell over. He was dead.

Bree let out short labored breaths. Her heart pounded in her eyes and her body shook from fear but only a fear of losing Beasley. His gaze shifted to her for a minute before he slumped to the ground in a dead faint.

Bree rushed over to him and knelt by his side weeping her eyes out, feeling overwhelmed by confusion and regret. She couldn't possibly get him to a hospital and there was absolutely nothing she could do to save him at this point. He couldn't fix himself either and with the amount of blood he had lost, he would be dead within the next six to eight minutes. Bree didn't understand how she knew that but she did not care either.

"What do i do now?" She wailed quietly whilst wiping the corner of her eyes and Beasley's face, repeating the process as if washing away his blood with her tears.

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