Chapter 40

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"What an unpleasant surprise!" Anita sneered whilst glaring at Bree as she walked into the dungeon. Joseph had been sent back to Pirole to be taken care of by a bunch of servants specially appointed by King Adam himself. The poor man's mind had eventually snapped as a result of housing too many memories. Anita, on the other hand, was kept in Villeneuve as more of a grounded guest.

Her dungeon wasn't as upsetting and depressing as dungeons usually were. The room was in fact as lovely as fit for a princess but despite the beauty around her, Anita had still managed to cast a gloom with her aura. Her powers had weakened ever since she was separated from her father thus making everyone believe she had somehow been tapping from his multiple life forces.

Indeed, Anita had begun to age rapidly. She had gone from looking like a teenager to a lady in her mid thirties, although she remained still as petite as ever. She had been compelled to create a portal that would transport Melinda back home and had almost escaped through it claiming afterwards that she only wanted to make sure the portal had opened into the right place.

She refused to reveal how she had done it because the portal had opened right on the wall of the public library where Bree worked connected by Tatum's lollipop painting. Now Bree had to look for another way to make Anita open another one.

"Hello Anita." Bree said. She moved to stand by the door while the guards made a protective shield in front of her.

"I see you are still quite cautious of me, as you should. But why? I am pretty much powerless being stuck in this disgrace of a castle."

"The disgrace you went crazy trying to claim for yourself." Bree said coolly.

"I will grow strong again and i will rip your family apart from the roots. I will send this castle crumbling to the ground and i will make sure every one of you pays for what you've done to my father."

"Don't you mean, what you have done to your father?" Bree asked tilting her head.

Anita waved a hand aggressively but only a few sparks of green came off her fingers.

"I feel so threatened." Bree deadpanned.

"Get out of here. I refuse to speak with you any further." Anita growled and walked over to her bed but refrained from sitting on it. It was made with lemon green sequined sheets and white pillows but the bed had remained untouched.

"Go on, sit! We need to talk!" Bree urged gesturing with her head. With the way Anita glared at Bree, one would think she would pounce on her the next second but Anita was as weak as she was powerless. She was not even strong enough to push a stool from one end of the room to the other. This was the reason Bree had suggested she be left unshackled.

Anita's eyes momentarily moved to the ring on Bree's finger, jealousy flickering across her face. "You might be the wretch's wife now but you're still a commoner and an alien. You will not order me around."

The guards moved their spears in readiness for an attack but Bree motioned for them to be at ease. She walked out from behind them and stared at Anita.

"It doesn't have to be difficult. I need another portal." She said in a low tone.

"No. If you knew so much about this world, you should've known just how to get here and back. I will not help you a second time."

Bree tilted her head and boldly but gently took Anita's hand. The gesture caused the latter to stiffen. "I know you want to leave. You're tired, aren't you? You're going to die soon and you don't want that to happen here."

Anita scowled and glared and fidgeted but Bree could see she had hit a soft spot.

"Are you offering to let me go?" Anita growled and wriggled her hand free then turned to the guards. "Did you hear that? She intends to let me go. Treason! You would betray your so-called family. Why don't you just kill me yourself, you lowly muskrat. I know you desire that more than anything!"

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