Chapter 30

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"under arrest for what?" Bree asked looking mystified even though a couple of solid reasons swirled around in her head like beef in a stew pot.

"You'll find out when you get to the police station!" Galloway smirked.

A police officer advanced and eased her belongings then another put cuffs around her wrists. Bree had always seen people get handcuffed but she never thought she'd actually get to experience it one day. The object around her wrists felt like the cold teeth of a raging shark and she feared the slightest movement would chop her hands off.

"Since when did someone get arrested before getting to know their crime?" Bree asked the officer.

"You have the right to remain silent, ma'am." The officer replied with a poker face.

She wondered if she was getting jailed for being one of Herb's employees or because she was considered a suspect at a certain murder scene in Australia. If Herb had called the cops on her because she was the reason his workers were dead then she could at least confirm two things; one, Herb really was targeting Beasley and two; she wasn't getting out of jail real easily.

"Can i at least call my mother?" She asked no one in particular.

"Did you call her when you left home over two weeks ago? Why now, i'm sure she's not worried. You're a big girl and you can take care of yourself much like all the other big girls do." Galloway said, his eyeballs playfully dancing around in his eyes like Norman's did.

Galloway had such a smug look on his face that Bree had to look away to stop herself from kicking him in his area. His grin widened as the officer led her to one of the numerous cop cars. Why so many cars for just one person?

She pulled away from her guide policeman and moved closer to Galloway.

"You won't win." She whispered calmly.

He chuckled as the policeman came back to grab her. "Oh, won't i?"

"Hey no struggling." The policeman ordered.

Every eye seemed to watch her intently as her head lowered into the car. The drive to the police station was boring and less intimidating than it had initially seemed but Bree's stomach felt like ice cream in a microwave. She wanted to know why she was being arrested.

She'd only spent a few minutes in her new cell when a policewoman came to inform her that she had two visitors.

She was led into what was the police station lobby and found her mother and Norman sitting in a long chair. Melinda shot up as soon as she spotted Bree in cuffs. Tears spilled out of her eyes as she pulled Bree in for a hug.

"You're okay." Melinda sobbed joyfully.

"Yeah kinda but i'm in jail for god knows what and i can't get out. Mom, you have to get me out of here." Bree complained.

"How selfish can you get, Bree?" Norman spoke up distastefully. "Your mother has been worried sick about you and all you care about is yourself."

Bree gritted her teeth. "I don't remember asking your opinion on this."

"Bree, you have to tell me what's been going on. Where did you go? Where have you been? It's been over two weeks since you came home. Please tell me what's going on." Melinda pleaded and complained, her eyes still filled with tears.

Bree stared at Melinda. If she were to speak up about her connections with Beasley then it would only put the him in graver danger. She had to understand what was going on first.

"Mom, i promise i'll explain later but can you or someone at least tell me why i was put in prison?" She spat.

"For putting the lives of thousands in danger, that's what!" A new voice replied. Bree looked over her mother's shoulder, Melinda and Norman also turned to look at the intruder.

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