Chapter 5: The Start

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Hi guys! Just wanted to thank y'all for reading and voting:) I know the story line might confuse you a little but I promise it'll be back on track. ;)


Eun bi looked at his hand then his face. She stood up.

" So let's find the murderer." There was an unexplainable confidence in her face.

" Not my job. " Ga on said putting his both hands in his pockets.

" Well it wasn't your job last year too. What's the difference? You can't be a national hero with this case? Or you need Kang Yohan to be able to work? "
The mention of his name made his heart pain which showed itself as a frown on his face.

" I never wanted to be a national hero. " his voice came out of between his teeth and as bitter as possible so Eun bi could sense the anger. Maybe she shouldn't have brought him up.

" I'm sorry. " he could feel the genuine regret.
" I just thought we could make it work. "

" Why do you care who the murderer is. Just defend your client. "
In his mind it didn't match. A lawyer who would make a scene in police station couldn't be the same person that is determined to find the real culprit.

" I have my reasons. " she looked at her shoes but she didn't seem less determined.
Ga on really had a hard time. He wanted to get rid of this case but how could he be sure she's not here to distract him or get information from him.

" Well you don't seem interested. " she said then walked to the door. Ga on looked at the pile of papers on his desk. His client wasn't much of a help and he didn't wanna withdraw from the case.

" Wait. " he sighed.
" Let's work together." he said while facing her near to door. She deep breathed and formed a little smile on her face.

" But you should know I don't trust you even a bit. I'm doing this just because apparently I have no other choice. "

Her smile got bigger.

" Fair enough. " she raised her hand and he shook it. He wished things wouldn't go wrong.

" For the start, shall we check the place in Busan? " he asked.

There were yellow tapes everywhere around the place signing the police was there. While Ga on was hesitating how to pass those tapes Eun bi just walked over them.

" You know one year ago I was a judge but now I can't afford to be reckless. "
She looked back.

" The problem is that you were on that office of yours for way too long. "
He did feel offended but it wasn't a wrong statement. He sighed and followed her.

The room was like it was built in the beginning of 19s. There were woods everywhere and the style was like historical movies. Walking into the room they could hear each steps.

" Didn't she know the killer was coming? "

" If she was deaf... " she answered looking around.
She took so much money from so many people so why she lived in such a house. If he was in real state business, he would give out the room even for free. Ga on just stood in the middle looking around then his eye landed on a small old picture in the end of room.

" Will you check the bathroom? I'll go to the kitchen. "

He got his eyes from the picture and nodded. They both walked toward their destination.
The bathroom couldn't be more normal. The bad smell was from the unused products and there weren't  sign of anything unusual.

" Nothing here. " he shouted coming back to the main room.

" Nothing here too. " she said coming out of the kitchen.
Ga on looked at the place he saw the picture but...
" It's gone? "

" What? " Eun bi didn't quite heard Ga on's murmur.

Ga on took his focus from the now empty place and looked at her confused face.

" Just said nothing is here. Let's go back to Seoul. " he answered and she nodded. Maybe his doubts weren't so baseless.

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