Chapter 14: Crossover

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The next day started as usual. When Yohan walked in the kitchen, he found Ga on setting the table. He looked around the room.

" ELIJAH" He shouted when he didn't find her there. Some moments passed and nothing. Ga on caught Yohan constantly looking at the door.

" I'll go get her. " he said and Yohan nodded.
Ga on exactly knew why Elijah is refusing to come out and he knew she won't at least for today. Last night when he casually mentioned going back, Elijah took the chance to blame herself not knowing his ultimate goal. So today she was maybe too scared or too sorry to face her uncle.

" You're being too obvious. " Ga on said when he opened her door. She rolled her eyes and didn't answer. He sighed.

" We're going out and we'll have our breakfast. Nothing will happen and if they did, they're not your fault. " he said not waiting for her answer. He walked to her wheelchair and pushed it out of the room. Normally it's hard to find Elijah silent for minutes so when she just murmured a " good morning " and dropped her head eating her breakfast, Yohan heard danger bells around his head. He looked at Ga on. Ga on was looking at Elijah like he regrets sharing things with her.

" What is it? " He asked dropping his fork on the table.
Ga on looked at him. He knew Yohan would find out especially when she's been too obvious. So he had his plan all ready.

" I gave her some news. " He answered not letting her talk.

" Actually I still would need time to set it but I'm going back. " and God knows how much he was thankful for the table so Yohan couldn't see how hard he's pushing his knees together from the stress when his face is playing it all cool.
One of Yohan's eyebrows went up.

" What changed your mind? " He asked calmly.

" Well I'd have to come back eventually. I can't just stay here forever. "

Yohan kept looking at him. Examining his face and waiting for more explanation. Some silence.

" Look I know I said otherwise yesterday but I've been thinking. This was supposed to be a two days trip. I came here with just two sets of clothes. "

" You can buy clothes here... " Elijah said her first sentence of the day. Ga on looked at her with don't-interfere eyes that made her cough.
Yohan was looking at them in silent. Ga on looked back at him and he really didn't know what he was thinking.

" The clothes aren't the problem. My life is there. My job and my house. " Ga on stopped himself from talking more. It felt so wrong to explain more. Yohan had a poker face on and it was killing him not knowing what he was thinking.
After some moments, when Yohan made sure Ga on doesn't have anything more to say, shifted in his seat.

" So when? "

Ga on really wasn't sure Yohan actually wanted him to stay but if he wanted to win this game, he shouldn't let Yohan get a hold of his feelings and harder he shouldn't let his own feelings get a hold of himself.

" I'll have to check with Eun bi. I'd love a companion. " He answered with a smile.

" She'll be here in three days. " Yohan said more like speaking to himself.
Ga on nodded.

" You'll need a pair of clothes for these days. "
Even Elijah kind of got scared by the coldness of Yohan tone. She looked at him with a little bit of a shock.
Yohan probably could play it cool if he wanted to and Ga on knew that. But if it's showing, maybe he wanted to show him his attitude.

" I think so? " he answered unsure.
Yohan looked at his plate thinking.

" I think it'll be a waste to buy clothes for three days. "
Ga on was trying so hard to figure things out. The sentence that just came out of Yohan's mouth was so not him. Yohan never would thought buying clothes even for a night is a waste. Ga on kept looking at him waiting for him to explain more.

" You can wear one of mine. "
Yohan said raising his head with a firm expression. He faced with Ga on's wide eyes.

" What? It's not like it's your first time. " Yohan stared at his eyes and there was something in his eyes that Ga on couldn't explain but whatever it was, it made him felt like all his blood left his body. He thought he could start the game without Yohan knowing. But now whether Yohan knew is game or not, it was certain he decided to start his own game.

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