Chapter 6: Suspicious

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An early update :) just wanted to thank y'all again <3

He opened his bottle and looked at the view in front of him. She couldn't come out of the kitchen because the moment she put her leg in the main room, he would hear the sound of woods. But if the killer had a way to go into the house without making noises, she could too. How he wished he had someone to trust. He layed back looking at the stars. He felt like he was looking at 1000 pieces of a puzzle but they didn't make sense. The moment he thought he was getting somewhere, something brought him back to the square one.
The sound of his phone teared him apart of his thoughts. He picked his phone up to check his massage.

" Just sent you some documents to your email. Check them out till the questioning tomorrow. Eun bi. "

He read the massage a few times. It was just three sentences but made tons of questions in his head. How the she had his number? Or his email?
Lazily he walked to his laptop and opened his email. There were all the bus stations address with their time table and it's possible time to get there from their clients' house to Busan. He narrowed his eyes. Yesterday he had spent his whole day to figure these things out and list them. Did she thought he doesn't know how to do his job? He opened the other one she sent and it was a factor of a take out to the address of their clients. He growled under his breathe. What the fuck is wrong with his client? How the hell she didn't thought of bringing this up.

At first Ga on thought of bringing up all these things he discovered to his client but the moment he saw her face, he regretted his decision. Bringing those things up might alarm her to cover up more. Sometimes playing stupid was smart. He looked at the closed door that Eun bi and her client were in.
After some minuets they came out and one police officer told them to come in.

" We need to talk after this. " Eun bi whispered when he passed her which made him to roll his eyes. In the questioning, polices gave him more information than him giving them.
Apparently the murder place wasn't that old house and tbe body was brought there. The house didn't belong to her and the police were looking for whatever that can be under her name or the actual place of murder.

" Will I get my money back? " his client asked the moment they left the room.

" When they find her belongings or where she hid the money, yes. " he answered coldly. Eun bi's number appeared on his phone.

" Come to the main door of parking. " she texted. Ga on sighed, he didn't like the way she ordered him around but she was the only way to get out of this mess. He said goodbye to his client and start walking to the destination.

" You better have something important to say... " just because he needed her, it didn't mean that he couldn't be bitter.
She was laying on her white car, playing with her phone. When she heard his voice, she turned around and showed him her phone screen.

" I hope this worths your time..."

" It's a location?? "

" Yeah. I have a close friend who's working in real estate in Gangam. When I told her our victim's name, she said it sounded familiar and this is the reason why. She... "

" She bought a house in there. "  he completed her. She nodded.

" She'll help us with the door. Shall we go? "

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