chapter 2

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Hunter black
I hate waking up early in the mornings, but do you know what I hate even more the lack of coffee and the lack of discipline.
I walked down to the kitchen only to find my precious stock of coffee over. Ugh,
"Daniel, why didn't you get the groceries yesterday" I yelled. Daniel was my not so trustworthy beta.
"Alpha, I got the groceries but you didn't write coffee on the list so... " He trailed in
Very very low scared voice.
"Don't you know that I love coffee and I can't even stay calm without one cup" I said extremely low and slowly stressing on each and every word making sure that it went through his thick skull.
"Sorry alpha, I'll go and grab some from the store right away" He said
"While you're at it grab some pringles. Make sure dinner is ready when I get back. Tell the chef to make something savoury and for godsake, make sure he doesn't set the kitchen on fire like yesterday" I said.
I went upstairs angry because there was no coffee. I went into the shower, did my business and came out  wearing a towel. I dried myself of and went to the walking closet and took out my black suit and white shirt. Changing into that, I gelled my hair back and made sure to wear my favourite scent. I grabbed my briefcase, phone and car keys and left for the Grayson industries.
I had a meeting with the CEO about merging our industries, hopefully she or he shall have some very convincing words to make this happen, for I am not easily pleased.  I read the news, the special wolf news, did I tell you I am a were wolf, if no, then there I just told you. Hmm two rogues dead, killed by some crazy human. I knew there was a human roaming around killing any wolf crossing his/her path, I was going to hunt that person down and kill him/her myself.
As my driver drove through the busy streets, I wondered when  would I  meet my mate? It had been 8 years since I had attained the age of finding my mate had no idea where she was and who she was. Human ,wolf or vampire I don't give a damn, all I want is for her to be mine. I will cherish and protect her. My pack shall gaurd their luna with their lives. But for this to happen, one had to know where my mate was.
We reached the Grayson industries and I walked in. The interior was extremely classy and from the way everyone was busy I knew the CEO was damn good and maybe strict.
A young fair lady walked upto me
"Good morning Mr Black, I am Anna, secretary to Elizabeth Grayson, the CEO of the industry. Please follow me sir, she should arrive in a few minutes" She said and I nodded. Great the CEO was not in the building. I followed Anna through corridors and doors till we reached what looked like the meeting room. I made myself comfortable on the chair they were comfy, and began scrolling my phone and typing orders to my pack. I could just mind link them but who cares, as long as my orders reach them, I dont mind the method.
"Would you like some tea or coffee, sir" Asked Anna
"Coffee, black coffee" I said and she nodded.
Not getting coffee in the morning made me cranky and now finally I had a warm cup in my hand. Slowly I sipped through it wondering about this meeting. I mean the person i was  supposed to meet was late which shows she wasn't punctual and hence lacked discipline.  Was it a mistake, coming here? I wondered.
Just then I heard the clicking of heals, Anna must be coming I thought. I was wrong, the scent was different, who ever was out there smelt of strawberries  my wolf was instantly attracted to that smell. I thought of standing up and finding out but just as I was about to , a lady walked in, she was phenomenal, so beautiful, her soft brown curls all neatly brushed, fingers ever so delicate and manicured, eye lashes long and attractive, my eyes roamed down her body and I noticed she wore a white blazer, a pencil skirt and white pencil heels. She was carrying carrying a small apple laptop and when she spoke, her voice was angelic.
Mate screamed my wolf. I was beyond happy, i had finally found my mate and all I had to do was ease her into my world and make her mine. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, I thought.

"Good morning Mr Black, I am so sorry for the delay, I got caught up in something serious" She said as she walked towards me taking a seat in a plush white chair. I couldn't help but inhale her scent again making my wolf go mad. You have no idea how hard it was to keep him in control.
"No problem Ms Grayson, I assure you to it wasn't a problem, your secretary took great care of me" I said, I was calmed now that I had my coffee and met my mate
"Shall we begin" She asked and I nodded. Honestly i didnt listen to a word she spoke, I was to busy looking at her delicate features and  the way her lips moved when she spoke. I watched how every few minutes her hand would accidentally touch mine and how she would immediately retract it, a faint blush appearing on her beautiful face.
I couldn't read her thoughts, not yet, not until the process of marking her began.

"Ms Grayson, it shall be an honour to be a partner to you, looking forward for a fruitful business relation" I said and a fruitful mated life. A life in which you me, my pack, and our company was there. Maybe in the future some 3-6 pups as well.

"Thank you Mr Black" She said
"Hunter, please call me Hunter, since we are going to be business partners we might as well be on first name basis" I said . We were mates, she was allowed to call me by first name and she was the only one with such a privilege.
"Only if you call me Elizabeth" She said and saw I smiled . She was so beautiful and so spontaneous
"Of course" I said shaking her hand. That small touch was enough to electrify my body and caused tingling sensations all over.
Oh how was I to spend a day away from her.

As I sat in my office, I opened my laptop and searched what and all human females liked and learnt more about them. I had to be prepared to look after my human mate. Now I had to make sure that all men stayed at bay and left her alone. I didn't want to be a murderer
She didn't have a boyfriend, now did she? If she did, he would be dead by tomorrow. I sat back smiling , remembering her face was enough for me to go jittery.

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