Chapter 15

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Hunter Black
I felt so awsome and alive when her hands started roaming in my fur at their own accord, each touch sending fireworks in my brain. As her hands moved towards my head, they skimmed my nose. Unable to control it anymore a darted my tongue out and licked her.
She turned towards me and stared at me with the chocolate eyes and then retracted her hand and darted to the furthest corner. My wolf whimpered and was upset that she was scared of us.
"Hunter " She asked softly
I trotted towards her and woofed in approval, then nuzzled my head into her hand and booped my wet nose to her exposed belly the only place most accessible and then nodded my head and then sat down in front of her
"You look like a giant dog. " She said running her hand through my fur. Dog? I am a wolf, a big bad alpha wolf not a domesticated dog.She can't compare me with a dog, it's humiliating. What will the pack think when they got to know about this.
She sat crosslegged grinning and ran her hands though my fur. It worked like massage and i was loving it. At least she and my wolf got physical contact unlike human me and Lizzy. Happy, with the massage I plopped myself in her lap, making sure only half of me covered her as I was heavy. I didn't want to squish her.
A while after stopped combing my fur and I whimpered
"Sorry bro, my hands are tired" She said Okay but I want more. I stood up and began to lick her face
"Uhm Hunter, as much as I appreciate your wolf I dont think I like being licked like this on my face, specially not right now. " She said. And I stopped oopsies. Dont cross your line Hunter. Guilty and scared I stared at her. Yeah this big bad alpha was afraid of his mate. She stared at me and then

"Hunter transform back to a human we need to talk" She said standing up her soft tummy booping my nose. I nodded and wondered into the bathroom. A while later I came back with shorts on. I looked everywhere but realised I forgot to get a shirt. What did she need to talk about. We're new rule going to be made for my wolf as well??
"Where is your shirt? " She asked staring at my body, abs to be specific. Not that I mind. My body was hers to stare at. Ans taste.
"Can't find it. " I said scratching my head.
She shook her head and then spoke
"I need to go home, I have something to get" She said and I nodded.
"I'll get the car ready." I said as I walked out of the room grabbing a random shirt from the almirah.

I had barely stopped the car when she leaped out running into the house. Was she eager to get away from me. Shit! Did she remember a weapon through which she could kill me, one that wasn't confiscated and was hidden. Mom dad I  am coming, my mate may kill me today, I love you two and I might  be joining you in heaven now.
I ran next to her despite my fear
"Casper... Casper... Hey kitty kitty... Where are you? " She called . Who the heck is Casper? I heard a meow and then a white blue eyed perssian cat came running out. Why do I have a feeling, something very odd is about to happen, odder than having a wolf hunter as your mate.
"Meow". Said the small white furball. I already hated it. It stinked.
" Casper, thank god you're okay" She said cuddling the stupid cat. Cuddle me instead. I'll turn into a wolf for you again. I have much better fur than that cat, i swear. I even wash it and my fur is much more shinnier.
"You own a cat! " I asked as I stood next to her, glaring the animal who was stealing my mate.
"Yes, her name is Casper and she is staying with us" She said petting the cat
"Uhm Lizzy, I am a wolf" I said. Hopefully she will understand that wolves and cats are a no no.
"I don't care. Wolf or no wolf,  Casper and I are a package deal. You want me to stay then Casper will also stay. I am trying to accept you and your pack, you guys also have to show some efforts. " She said. I was shocked, another condition, another tough condition I had to accept to make her stay. I glared at the cat who leaped out of her hands and curled up at my feet. Get off me. Whay the fu-.  Does the cat not realise that it's a feline and I am a canine.My wolf growled internally and I shifted uncomfortably
"Fine, but she will not be sleeping on the bed" I said. No way was I sleeping next to a cat. How do I explain this to the pack?
"She will sleep wherever she pleases" She said and walked back to the car
"Lizzy, I can't sleep with a cat" I  whinned
"Become friends with her, she is staying" She said as she sat down on the passenger side with Casper on her lap. That's my spot!  I was beyond pissed. I sighed before walking to the drivers side and starting the engine.
Once we reached the cottege, Elena greeted us and then laughed when she saw Casper in lizzys arms
"Who is this beauty" She asked letting Casper on the head while the cat purred
"Casper, my cat. She will be staying with us. " Lizzy said to Elena and then turned to me
"You and I need to go cat food shopping. " She said. I grimaced. It was final, that cat was staying and I was going to be cat slave all because of my mates love for cats. Mood goddess, what we're you thinking when you added a cat to my life? I am grateful for having Lizzy but why make her a hunter and why make her love cats? Why not dogs? It would have been easier.
"Elena do you mind cat sitting her for a while. We won't be long" She asked. Say no Elena please but Elena nodded.
"It will be my pleasure lu- Elizabeth. " She said taking Casper in her arms. Looks like Casper and Elena were going to be besties.
Lizzy grabbed my hand, and I had tingling feelings all over the point of contact while she led me to the car.
"I'll drive" She announced
"No you won't, I can't risk my porch  being destroyed " I said and one angry look from her and I sighed, tossing her the keys i sat down on the passenger side. Help!

We had reached the pet shop a when later, Lizzy skimmed the cat aisle and found all the food and treats required. She took some toys and tossed them into the basket and then arched an eye brow at me. What now?
"Do you need anything for your wolf? I mean a leash, a bed or some toys? " She asked and I glared at her. I am not a domesticated animal, my wolf needs no leash, I so wont be running away from her if we very go on walks. Not dog walks but romantic walks as a couple, as mates!
"I am a wolf, an alpha wolf I am not a dog and definitely not domesticted. You can't buy me dog beds and leashes! "I whispered -hissed -yelled and she laughed. That laugh was why I lived. It was adorable and carefree, revealing the Lizzy hidden below the rough exterior.
"Fine. Guess wolfy does not want any things, Hunter grab that bed  for casper" She said pointing  at a soft  off white bed. I glared at her but grabbed it. I don't like the name wolfy given to my wolf. My wolf just purred. I guess it was contended with any name given by our mate. Even if she called him doggie he will be happy
"Hell yeah, our mate can call us anything, you already fucked up by taking control, I warned you not to hurt the prisoner but you ignored me and blocked me, now look our mate isn't accepting you. If you di t fix this within three weeks, I'll kill the human side of you. Plus wolfie is so cute...cringy but cute. " Said my wolf, Xavier
I shuddered, Xavier was scary when mad.
After paying for the stuff, we sat down, Casper slept on the new cat bed in our room
"Thank you for letting Casper stay" She said and kissed my cheek  shocking both of us. All it took for me to get a kiss from her was a cat! Uhm are you sure we are mates? My wolf growled. Mates we are, calm down wolfy.He growled again
"Xavier for you, wolfie for her" He said
"Fine." I said and turned to face my mate.
Blushing she turned her head towards the other side and slept.
"Well I had no choice but your welcome I guess. " I said before turning the lights off and snuggling in the duvet. Her scent now mixed with cat smell. She needed a shower. She smelled of cats. Yuck.
Now an awkward journey of friendship between me and the cat was to begin.
I mind linked the pack
"Your luna owns a cat, Casper who shall be living with us if Elizabeth decides to stay and accepts me. I guess if she accepts me then I have we to accept the cat as well. They are a package deal! " I told them
"Alpha we're canines how can we live with a feline" Asked ethan
"We have to adjust a bit" I said
"This is awkward" Said Roslyn
"What was moon goddess thinking g when she paired luna with alpha? " Asked Nathan and I growled..
"Sorry alpha" He said
"Make sure to keep a stock of the cat stuff at the pack house" I said
"Yes alpha, any specifications for the cat" Asked ethan
"Texted you the list" I said before stopping the mind link.
This is officially the weirdest thing in history of wolfkind.

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