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I watched as my mate liz scooped up our only girl in her arms and guided our three boys to the dining table. Our pups were now five year olds and my oh my were they adorable.
I remember the day when I first shifted infront of them. Instead of being scared of my wolf they giggled and demanded wolfie rides. My back hurt after the 12th wolfie ride but I smiled as I heard the four of them giggle. Like me, our three boys were hell protective of their sister.
We had named them as zach, zander, lucus and Annabelle. All four of them in their wolf forms were so cute. Zach was black with white paws, zander was honey brown with dark brown paws, lucus was pure black and annabelle pure white.
Two of our kids lucus and annabelle were elemental wolves and zander had picked up the speed part of my mate. All of them had eyes like me but noses like liz.
I smiled as I looked down at Annabelle who was popping the buttons of my shirt
"Anne hunny that's the 8th shirt you have decided to destroy" Said lizzy as she looked up at us, from the ground. She was tying the boys shoelaces.
"Daddy need no buttons... Daddy need fur" She said
"Daddy does not need fur but need buttons today... Daddy needs to go to office for an important meeting" I said softly
"Daddy bring us mint ice cream? " Asked zach
"Yes I will bring mint ice cream for all of you"
"Daddy is the best" Said lucus. He was the most quietest one among the quadruple.
"What about mommy? " I asked
"Mommy is the best bitch" Said zander
I coughed while liz glared at me. Yeah I am the reason why he learnt this word.
It was an accident" Said Xavier
"Who will explain this to our mate" I said
"No one" Said Ashley

I watched as my mate cleared the dishes. She was carrying another twin pups , don't judge me, I was serious when I said I needed a cricket team.
Years passed and we were now a family of 12. We now had 8 pups. I asked for more but liz just kicked me in the nuts when I expressed my views. Unfortunately Anne was still the only girl among the kids. Yes she was distressed
As we sat in the lucious green grass, cuddling each other as we watched our pups play with each other. We heard a howl, a painful howl, which made our pups run back to us
"Mommy what was that" Asked anna as she cuddled into me

"I am scared" Said zander.
"Don't be scared, we will it let anything happen to you" Said lizzy
"What was the howl about" Asked liz
"It was the howl of the cursed wolves, they have found their mate" I said

We watched our kids rush of to play again. The howl long forgotten. I looked at my mate and said
"I am glad that I am the soulmate to the wolf"
"Me too" She said

The end

Well with this chapter, the end of the book has come. I do hope you all. Enjoyed reading it just lime I enjoyed writing it.
I will miss you all till my next book

Did I just drop the tittle for my next book. Maybe or maybe not.

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