chapter 51

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Elizabeth Grayson

The battle howl was heard but everyone and in a split of a second the wolves and vampires paired up. It was decided there with every wolf there would be one vampire and with every vampire their would be one witch. Alex and hunter and one witch whose ne I did not know were teamed up and were trying to fight of a kraken and elf
Goblins must I say were really small but fast. Krakens on the hand were huge and slow. Elves were huge and had magical tendencies. Alex and xavier were busy trying to kick the kraken and disintegrate his body while that witch was in the process of shielding them from the elf. Looks like they can handle it.

I was being accompanied by Damien and Alec the witch. We were battling a kraken, elf and goblin. Damien took on the kraken and j heard a satisfying crak of the kraken skull, while Alec took on the elderly and continuosly banged him into a wall with his magic. I took in the goblin and using my fire balls and icecles I had the goblin stuck to the ground. With a swipe of my lovely dagger I beheaded it. I then joined Damien in an attempt to kill the kraken. I did a spell due to which the kraken just went up in flames
"A little warning next time" Said Damien as he blew out the sparks on his coat
"Sorry" I said
We turned back to help Alec with elf on my to find a gooey patch with Alec in the middle
"That's a dead elf" He said and I nodded. Disgusting.
Moving onto our next target, which was a kraken elf hybrid. I looked at the two boys with me I mindlinked them.
"Alec take the back side. Blast him with lightning on my signal. Damien distract him while I climb his head and sink the larger sword through the centre. "
"Rodger that " Said Damien

We all were in position and soon the kraken elf hybrid was just a mushy mess.
Hours later, I looked around d and realised we were going to win. I spoke go soon.
A howl, a painful howl echoed through the screams. It was Xavier's howl. He was injured. Scanning the blood bath I found him being over taken by a kraken. Shifting into a wolf and using my vampire and wolf speed combined, quicker than one could say butterscotch, I stood in front of xavier protectively. My sheild up surround both of us
"Where is Alex and the witch who was teamed with you" I asked through the mindlink
"Alex is fighting of the goblins who somehow got to the kids in the bunkers and the witch , Raena she is protecting the injured women who are cornered by the elves" He replied panting. I could feel his eyes droop
"Don't you dare close your eyes love... Keep talking to me" I said.
"I love you liz. I love you ash" He said as he closed his eyes.
Anger bubbled inside of me. Ash had taken control.

Ashley Grayson
This is it, this kraken and his fellow companions will die now. He hurt my mate, my mate fainted because of these dark forces. Everyone is dead now.
With a surge of power, a light was emitted from my body immediately grasping the dark forces and enrupting them into flames and ashes. I felt weak when it was over, but nevertheless I limped over to my mate and crouched protectively over him and growled at anyone trying to come near, be it doctor , healer or even ethan.
Using my power I allowed some to flow into him, allowing his injuries to be healed. Once satisfied that he was properly healed, I allowed my powers to spread to the other injured species who helped us. I felt dizzy after a while and I laid down on top of him with a shield around us. Darkness finally consumed me.

Elizabeth Grayson
My head hurt, my body aches, I laid still on the softness beneath me. I heard voices but everything was unclear. Focussing my sense I made out one voice
"Is she going to be okay? " I heard. It was a panicked voice. One full of concern, anger and love. Going through my memories I realised that this voice was of Hunter
"She will be fine" Said another voice. One which was dominant but soft. It was of Damien
"She just used to much power, more than she couldn't handle" Said a third voice. Carefully focussing on it I realised that it belonged to Alex.
"She should have taken it easy. It's my fault. I should have never have allowed her to fight. Let alone use her powers like that" Said Hunter
Groaning I tried to open my eyes, but shut them once the bright light hit. Events of God knows how long ago, came crashing in.
"Ugh make it stop" I said
"Make what stop love? " Asked Hunter.
I opened my eyes to find him sitting next to me stroking my hair
"Headache" I whispered
A new person spoke, one I didn't recognize
"Alpha, if your feeling upto it, can j take some of her pain into you, through the bond" Said the girl
"Of course... That goes without asking" He said. I felt someone poking around in my mind and soon I felt the ache go away
"Thank you. How long have I been out? " I asked softly
"3 weeks" Said Hunter "you have no idea how exhausting and scary that was... I thought your were never gonna wake up" He said. I could hear his voice which always has been firm waver.
"Hey.. I am fine... Tired but fine... And here with you" I said as I leaned towards him for a hug.
He saw my advance and scooped me in for a hug which soon turned into a group hug
"Is everyone alright" I asked
"Thanks to your magic yeah" Said Alex
"Liz I was saying that... Let's wait a week before I break the bond between us... Your really not in a good shape and that will also take a lot of your energy... Doing it now would risk your life" Said Damien
"Alright" I said glancing at hunter who also nodded
"As much as I hate the bond between you two... I can't risk her life" He said
"Me either " Said Alex " She is a sister I never had" He said
"So what happens to our kingdoms now?" I asked
" We merge them, we can either takebin the vampires into our packs, splitting then evenly or we can allow them a seperate area with the condition that they are loyal to us" Said Hunter.
"Let's choose the latter" I said and he nodded
"For now... You need to rest. " He said as he made me lie down again and cuddled me. Everyone in the room left us to ourselves.
"Thank you for protecting me" He whispered.
"Thank you for loving me" I replied.

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