chapter 11

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Rosyln Black
The entire pack was chilling in the living room, happy that the wolf hunter was caught. Our Beta, Daniel was taking great care of her. Perfect! That's what she deserved. Killing innocent wolves without mercy, she had no right to live. When alpha would come back from his pack annual meeting, that bitch was sooo dead. I'll be the first one to pop the champagne bottle when she came.

A few hours later, alpha came back, he was just relaxing when he suddenly rembered something and immediately left. We were confused, really confused as to where our alpha had to go early in the morning, it was freaking 4am.

An hour later he returned, panic spread across his face. Were we under attack . Save the pups, I thought and as I assumed the worst, alpha spoke
"Boys, your luna is missing, this is her scent, scramble and look for her" He screamed holding one of her tops up. This was serious. Blackcrescent pack luna missing, that was serious . No one harms our luna As we all began to shift we saw Daniel's eyes widen
"What happened" Alpha growled
"I think I know where she is alpha" Daniel said.
"Where? " Alpha barked.
"Alpha, remember we found the hunter" Daniel said as Alpha nodded
"Luna is the hunter" Daniel said in one breadth.
Shit, our Luna was the hunter sitting in the cell. Wait! What did that mean for the pack. Either  Luna lives and we get a wolfhunter Luna or Luna dies and we get rid of a wolfhunter. This is confusing and serious  nonmore champagne.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a snap. Looking ahead we saw Alpha toss a dead Daniel into a corner.
Uh that means that my mate was the new beta which meant that I was now the wife of the beta of the pack. This was bittersweet. I feel so bad for Daniel's mate. She was going to be devasted when she returns from LA where her former pack resided.

Alpha and my mate and  few other wolves  went down to the celler. A few minutes later, the packs doctor came and set Alpha's room into a hospital room. Minutes later, Alpha came strided in, clearly in pain and was hell worried, he was holding the hunter  /luna, I don't know what to call her right now.
The doctor checked on her and whispered something to alpha. The entire night alpha stayed next to her. We didn't even know our Luna's name!
3 days alpha never left her side. He hardly ate, slept or rested, he was going to be sick.
We recently got to know that if Luna didn't wake up today then she would slip into coma. Even though she was a wolf slayer, the pack prayed for her to be alive, she was our Luna after all.
By gods grace Luna woke up and alpha looked like his soul finally returned.
Lorelei came during those intense 3 days and threatened alpha to kill Luna the way he killed her mate and then expose us. We were shocked. Alpha got angry and snapped her neck. No one could best our savage strong alpha.

We waited for alpha to come down and explain tonus what was happening. After  an hour he came.
"My dear members, I know this comes as a shock that your Luna is a wolf hunter and hates wolf but please hear me out before forming an opinion. Your Luna had a traumatic experience with wolves, when she was 4 years old two terrible rogues attacked her family and killed them reading each and every limb, leaving her with bitter thoughts about wolves. It is important for us to change and help her see that not all of us wolves are cruel and heartless. Let's show her that we the blackcrescent pack are kind and sympathetic. But before I do proceed, I need your votes on whether you  accept her as your Luna or not. Honestly if you reject her, then I will be forced to leave the pack as well. O can't kill her nor can I live without her. I hope you understand  my view" Alpha said.

Our poor Luna was a warrier. She had a traumatic life and that's why she was bitter about us. People can change, and she deserved a second chance, a chance to actually know us wolves. We discussed everything among each other and then spoke to alpha.
"We accept her alpha. " Said ethan.
"She deserves a chance to know us" Said Nathan
"She is our Luna no matter what" Said krystal
"We want to help our Luna recover" I said
"Thank you" Said alpha as he returned to his room.

Alpha came down after a while
Alpha" Said Ethan. We all stood up and bowed
"How's luna?" I. Asked
"She is good, weak and in pain but much better than what state I brought her up in" Alpha said.
"Can we meet her? " I. Asked
"No, she refuses the meet the pack as of now. She needs time before she meets us. She is taking time to accept me. We have  to prove that we are not like the rogues who killed her family and that werewolves like us can be good as well. So I suggest none of you screw up and tell the pack the same. Tell them thay if they want to keep their heads then they better not screw our second chance" Alpha said. We were hurt but we understood. We will wait for. Luna to approach us.
Ethan and I were instructed to go to the mall and get some clothes for Luna, considering  the fact that I am a fashionista, we got hundreds of dresses, tops, earrings, purses, heels, sportshoes, jeans, leggings and underwear from shops like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Victoria Secret, nike, addidas etc etc. Who care about money when you're spending your alphas money. He did say don't think about the price , if it's good then buy it for your Luna. We even dropped at luna's old home and brought all of her stuff she required, like photo albums, her old clothes and a few suitcases. After packing her stuff, we kind of roamed around her house, jn an attempt to get a glimpse of her lifestyle since alpha never told us about her and when we got to know about our Luna, it was when she was our prisonor. Crazy life right. We looked around and saw her childhood lhots with what looked like her family. We saw an entire stock of books which were all based in how to kill wolves. Whoopsies, not a good sign. After a while we left and headed for our next station.

No one in the pack was allowed to address alpha ny by his name, unless he told us to and that was never. He loved the authority and was heartless to criminals but full of love and life with the ones he loved and they were the pack and Luna. He loved Luna more than us, but I know the mate relationship is like this only. What was going to be hard was convincing Luna that we were good. If by any wonder the rogues who did that to our Luna ran into me, I'll be killing them with silver coated woflbanes bombs and tear their limbs and watch them scream.

After 5 hours of shopping,Ethan and I went to the cottege and got the place cleaned and then made sure everything was spottless and upto mark as Luna was going there for the first time and we wanted to make a statement. We had to. show the blackcrescent pack had style and was hell classy.

On our way back we brought KFC and pizza for the pack like alpha asked and sat down to  Chit chat and eat. We told the pack about what we got know about Luna from the house and how classy and stylish she was. we evn got to know that alpha and her company had merged and become GraysonBlack industries (GBI). We can't wait to meet our Luna and get her into our girl gang and take her in shopping sprees and pranking our mates etc etc.

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