Chapter 16

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Elizabeth Grayson
I woke up the next day in Hunter's arms, honestly i didnt know how I ended up in his arms. I Snuggled closer and then hesitantly wrapped my arms around his torso. He was warm, warm like the sunshine, he was providing me the warmth the duvet couldn't provide and I sighed happily. I looked up and saw Casper had some how found his tummy the best place to sleep. Wow i wonder what his facial expressions would say when he woke up and found Casper on his tummy. I knew he didn't like cats. If I was staying with the species i hated and was giving them a chance then he also had to give feline species a chance. I closed my eyes again and slept a while longer.

"What the heck? " Whispered Hunter. I opened my eyes and saw Hunter staring at Casper who seemed ignorant that she was unwelcome to sleep on him.
"Hunter it's alright, Casper doesn't bite. " I said, biting back a laugh
"I don't care if she bites, she just pissed on me" He said angrily
"What! Casper apologize, now" I said
She was potty trained and this was unacceptable. She looked down and meowed softly
"Is that her version of apologizing? " Asked Hunter
"Yeah. Now if you forgive her which you must, give her a head pat" I said
"I forgive you Casper" He said hesitantly giving her a scratch.
"Meow" And she hoped of him.
"I'll go and shower first" He said and I nodded. I watched him walk to the bathroom.
Once we both freshmed up, we walked down with Casper on our tails for breakfast.
"Hope you like French toast and coffee dear" Said Elena
"I love it" I said sitting down at the table opposite to Hunter. Elena poured some food for Casper who ate happily.
"Mhmm, this is lovely" I said
"Thanks dear" Said Elena
I saw Hunter also liked black coffee. I smiled sweetly at him who immediately returned the favour.
"Want to go to to the Apple orchard. We can pick some apples" Asked Hunter
"Sure, then when we are back. I'll make some apple pie for us and the pack. You can deliver it to them." I said. I would have personally given some to them but then I wasn't ready to face and entire pack of wolves, one was enough right now
"Sure" He said.

I went upstairs and changed into something cuter. I wore the knee length purple dress and paired it with white sneaker. I took a denim jacket and wore it as well. Tying my hair in a loose ponytail I went to the front yard and saw Hunter waiting
"You look gorgeous" He said and I smiled. A genuine smile not the fake one I have been giving lately. I followed to him am apple orchard and gawked at the sweet apples hanging on the branches.
"Do you own this? " I asked and he nodded
"We own or babes" He said "I mean Lizzy" He quickly corrected himself
"It's beautiful, how do we reach the apples? I don't see a ladder and I don't know how to climb trees" I said
"You don't know how to climb trees! What kind of hunter were you? " He asked shocked
"Well, I stayed in the shadows of the trees and used wolfsbane bombs and silver daggers and bullets. That was sufficient. Never needed to climb trees" I said shrugging my shoulders
"Okaay? I was counting on climbing the trees to pick apples, now I guess you can sit on my shoulders and pick them" He said. What! How can I? It would.... Uh i have no choice.
"Uhm okay" I said looking everywhere but him.
He crouched down and I swung my legs around his neck, settling myself on his broad shoulders. I was surprised he could lift me, I was not light like a feather. He ccarefullystood up keeping his hads on my legs. I began to raise myself higher trying to reach the apples, squeezing my thighs around his head I tried to reach them and succeed. K carefully tossed the apples in the basket. Once we filled four baskets, he helped me climb off.
"We have enough apples to make apple jam as well and apple sauce" I said excitedly. Cooking was another thing I loved.
"You look excited" He said
"I am. I can't wait to try kut my mom's home recipies. " I said
"Oh" Was all he said. We carried two baskets each and returned to the cottege.
Once we were back, I washed my hands and started making pies and made a pit of apple sauce and jam each. Three hours later I finally had the made.
"Dinner is ready" I called
"Coming" He said
Elena had gone to the store to get some supplies for tomorrow. So it was just me and Hunter.
" Toast and apple jam and pie" I said as I kept a plate in front of him
"Great, sound good and smells good" He said and I smiled
"Yummm" He said and I smiled
"Glad you liked it. I made some for the pack as well. If you would... " I trailed off
"Of course I will deliver to them. It would be a shame if they didn't taste their Luna's cooking" He said
"I haven't accepted you or the position yet" I said
"I know, just keeping hopes high" He said and I nodded.
A little while later he took the items and drove off to the pack house
"Don't open the door for anyone. If you feel like you're in trouble just call me " He said and I nodded.
I watched from the window and saw him leave. I may not have accepted the pack but they had accepted me. Maybe it's time to meet them. I'll talk to Hunter tonight. I might not meet all of them are once but a few could be easily dealt with.
I saw my silver dagger on the table, I had stolen it from the confiscation room the other day. I wasn't going to kill them but as a precautionaru measure I'll keep the dagger in a draw, close to me when I meet them. Most probably I'll call them here instead of going there. Hunter's cottege was much more peaceful and calming than the house, so I prefer to meet the wolves here, in a territory I am more families with.

An Hour later Hunter returned. I had just chnaged into my pjs when he entered
"God's... Hunter you. You scared me" I said
"Sorry, he murmered.
" It's alright, did they like the pie and jam and sauce? " I asked
"They loved it, a brawl took place between my beta and his mate for ghe last piece of the pie. I had to break the slice in half to seperate them" He said laughing
"Glad they liked it" I said
As we settled on bed I spoke
"I want to meet your beta and his mate and the gamma and his mate tomorrow. " I said
"Sure" He answered
"In the cottege" I further added and he nodded
"Done." He said.

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