Chapter Six

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I crawl out of bed, trying to not wake Caleb. We worked up an appetite, but I was hungrier than him. I slip on his button-down and head to the kitchen for something to eat. I'm craving a sandwich with double the meat. Taking out all the ingredients I begin my task of the most self-worthy just-got-thoroughly-fucked sandwich. I turn on the music player, dropping the volume to where only I can hear it. "She's Like the Wind" fills the kitchen, and I can't help but dance around the kitchen holding the sandwich.

I move my hips to the beat, taking a bite of my sandwich. Gosh, this is so good. "I feel her breath on my face. Her body was close to me. Can't look in her eyes, she's out of my league. Just a fool to believe," I sing to the sandwich, taking another bite.

I twirl to the cabinet to take down a glass cup. Swaying my hips to the refrigerator, I nearly die of embarrassment. Caleb stands silently in the doorway. My heart is beating a hundred miles a minute now.

"Goddamnit, Caleb, how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know I didn't do my job right if you are down here making love to a sandwich." He smiles, pulling me to his chest. "Also, I love the way you look in my shirt. Very fuckable." He smacks my ass.

"Would you like something to eat?" I'm hoping he says no so we can just have wild sex right here, right now. I've never craved a man in such a manner, but something about Mr. Hemsworth does it for me.

"Sure," he says. No smart remarks, that's a first. Was I not good enough the first time? Was I horrible, and this is his polite way to tell me so? I step from his hold and open the refrigerator.

"What would you like?" I stare at the gallon of milk. I need to stop overthinking this. It's sex; I know I'm great at it. I know I did an amazing job; he was sound asleep fifteen minutes ago. Maybe he just doesn't want me to get sore. I'll go with that.

"One of those lovemaking sandwiches." He moves towards the island, and I close the refrigerator. He points to the music player. "Do I get the same song, or can I choose my own?"

"Ummm, you can choose your own." I begin to make his sandwich. He mumbles nothing is catching his ear, and I roll my eyes. "Just put it on shuffle. I'm sure you'll find something you like."

"Is this Kpop or R&B?" He asks and I'm surprised he even knows about this genre of music.

I look over at him. "I like to think this one is KR&B. This NCT U new song. Turn it up."

"You know what would be better than a sandwich right now?" He turns up the song, and I look at him shrugging my shoulders. Letting him know I'm not in the mood for his guessing games. Yet, he just looks at me. "Guess?"

" not making you a sandwich," I smirk at him, putting the knife down, wiping my hands.

"Not even close. Dance for me."

"You are kidding me?"

He walks around the island, grabbing my hands.

"Caleb, I'm not going to dance for you." I playfully pull away from him; he is holding onto my hands tight, but not to the point he is hurting me. "Seriously?"

He pulls out a bar stool with his free hand. Standing me a few feet in front of him, he sits down and waits. He really thinks I'm going to dance for him. I cross my arms over my chest not moving; we stare each other down for a few seconds until he gets up, heading back to the music player.

"I'm going to dance with you then. Something I wanted to do at Juliet's reception. Don't get me wrong; I do prefer a good lap dance, but this will do too." He hits play and "Before the Storm" by the Jonas Brothers fills the kitchen. He turns to me with raised eyebrows. "Wow. Didn't think I would ever hear this song again."


"When you left that night, I was listening to my iPod, and that song came on. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I listened to that song for about two to three weeks straight. Secretly a Jonas Brothers fan, back in the day."

"Oh." What else I could say? He was really distraught when I left. Those weeks were pure hell for him, but for me was sort of bliss. I was just breaking into the acting world and loving every minute of it. "Hey, Caleb, I think I'm just going to call it a night. I have an early day in the morning." I can't look him in the eyes. I don't want him to see the guilt.

"Selena. I didn't mean to bring that up."

"No, it's ok. Just clean up when you are done down here," I say, fleeing the kitchen. Closing the bedroom door behind me, I sink into the bed wishing for better days, and maybe one day, I can tell him the truth about everything. I was a selfish person and only thought about myself. I could have brought him along with me after the fifth month in La, but I didn't want to. I was having too much fun and actually liked the thought of being single.

"Selena." He opens the bedroom door. "I think we should talk about what just happened downstairs."

"There isn't anything to talk about." I feel the bed dip and Caleb pulls me onto his lap. This is all too familiar. It's like we are back in our college days.

"I know when something is bothering you. I didn't mean to bring that up. It just that—"

"Caleb, just drop it ok? I don't really like talking about the past." I sigh. "I just want to go to bed." I get off his lap and lay down.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Caleb." I turn my back to him, pulling the blanket over me.

"Fine." He doesn't push the situation any further. He slips underneath the blanket, pulling my back to his chest. "Goodnight." He kisses the back of my head.


Lights! Camera! Caleb Hemsworth!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ