Chapter Eleven

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Anna didn't get a news station in Missouri to air my tell-all, but she did manage to book an up-and-coming news reporter, Jay Grishby, who works for the ABC network in LA. Apparently, he's the talk of the town, and the guy she was sleeping with when I texted her. This is it. Almost a month has gone by, and I haven't denied or confirmed it; now is my chance.

I look to my right, and I see the television is on the ABC news channel, and there is Jay Grishby. A well-dressed man, probably in his late-twenties. Talk, dark, and handsome. I just hope Anna can stick with this one.

The news panel talks some more before it's time to introduce me. I take this time to call my parents again. My mother hung up the phone on me when I told her what I was going to do. She said I was only creating more problems, and I shouldn't be lying about Violet, that I needed to own up to my mistakes. She said she would disown once the words came out of my mouth on live television.

The phone rings.

And rings.

I'm just about to hang up when my father picks up.


"Hi, daddy."

"Selena sweetheart, I think it's best if you don't call here anymore. Your mother is upset that you would go on national television to hurt this family. Violet told us numerous times she never did those things you are alleging she did."

"Dad, I'm telling the truth. I never would have killed my own child. That isn't me; you guys know I want children, at least two of them. Can I please speak to Mom?"

"I'm sorry, honey, your mother doesn't want to talk to you, and I have to go. Just don't do the interview, honey; think about other people for once. I love you."

He hangs up the phone, not giving me a chance to reply. I'm not sure my parents know how to love someone other than themselves and Violet. It's sad that my own parents wouldn't believe me. Violet was, and always will be, the perfect child to them. The child who does no wrong. It's funny how she thinks they put me on the pedestal, no it was Violet on the pedestal and always have been. I've just always tried to be the best at everything so they would notice me the 

"Is everything alright?" Anna pulls a chair next to mine. "What did your parents say?"

"What I knew along. They aren't here for me. It's been about Violet since day one."

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to. I can tell Jay that something came're on in about twenty minutes; I can text him right now. He always has his phone on; it's sitting right on the table next to him." She points to the television, at the desk Jay and two other news anchors are sitting at.

"He is on the air; he will not answer his phone. I want to go through with it. I need to do this; no one can clear my name but me. I just wish I could have cleared my name differently. I don't know why Violet just didn't come clean to Mom and Dad. I can't even think about how she sat there and lied to their faces. It makes me mad all over again." My blood was starting to boil just a bit.

"Alright, as your best friend I'm here for you. And if this is what you want to do, I'll be there for you, no matter what the outcome is." she smiles at me.

"Thank you, Anna." I need to let her know one of these days, she needs to stop emphasizing the words best friends. I know she is my best friend and only friend for that matter. I wasn't that big into the Hollywood friendships. I found that part of celebrity life weird at times.

"No worries. Now let's fix your make-up."

The camera crew of three scurries from the table where they're eating to calling shots. I guess they are ready for me. I wipe my hands on my dress as I take a seat on the couch of my hotel room. One crew member helps put my earpiece in, while the other two move the camera and lighting around.

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