Chapter Two

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The security to Green Aces is ridiculous. First, the security guards outside the gate check the vehicle inside and out. Second, they ask my name to see if it's on the guest list. Thankfully, it was. Third, the key card entrance. I tip the driver more than normal, due to all the security we went through just to get here.

My palms begin to sweat as I walk to his front door. I'm still wearing the same dress, despite Anna trying to force me into something more whorish.

"I can't do this," I whisper to myself. As I turn to walk away, the front door opens. My mouth goes dry at the sight of him. His hair is wet, and his naked chest is on display so he must have just gotten out of the shower. For heaven's sake, it looks like his chest has been sculpted by God himself. The gym shorts hang dangerously low on his waist, giving me a good look at his v line.

"Please come in." He moves to the side allowing me in. "You weren't going to leave, were you?" He closes the door, locking it.

"The thought crossed my mind. Once or twice." I look around. His choice of decor is just like five years ago. Simple. Nothing over the top or extravagant. My home screams the total opposite.

"Well, I'm glad you decided to stay." He takes my hand. "Shall we?"

I nod.

"No nodding tonight. It's either yes or no." He looks at me, and I stare into his deep blue orbs. They pull me towards him, and I lose myself within them, just like old times. One night couldn't and wouldn't hurt either one of us. We will be back to our normal lives by sunrise.

"Yes," I whisper.

He winks at me and leads me upstairs.

"Are you nervous?" he asks, closing the bedroom door behind us. There are candles lit around the room. It is clear he's trying to make this a night to remember. "Selena?"


"I asked are you nervous." He releases my hand, as I shake my head no. Loosening his towel, my eyes widen; he has a massive cock. I place my hand on the doorknob, catching my balance. He chuckles. "Too big?"

"N–no. I've seen bigger." My first mistake of the night. Caleb grabs my wrist, pulling me to the bed. I quickly kick off my shoes before I trip and bust my face open.

"Selena, when you're in my company, don't speak of other men. Whether as a joke or not." He cups my pussy, and I let out a whimper. "This is mine," he growls, nipping at my neck. "Say it."

"I won't speak of ano—"

"No, tell me this pussy is mine." He slips a finger in between my folds. Shit!

"This...this pussy is yours, Caleb." I moan as he massages my clit. "Oh, Caleb. Yessssss!" His fingers are working magic. I've never been with a man and came instantly. Caleb Hemsworth was starting to be at the top of my sex list. It's just for one night, I remind myself.

"That was quick." He looks down at me. "Your body responds very well to me. I'm going to have fun with you tonight." He brings his drenched fingers to his mouth and sucks his fingers dry. This new Caleb I was starting to like. "Strip for me." He takes a step back and watches as I slowly pull down the straps of my dress. I don't go too fast because I don't want to seem too eager. But taking the slow route is killing me.

"Fuck, you look beautiful." He reaches for me once I'm standing before him, nude. He pushes me back gently until I fall on top of the bed. "Five years is too long." He hovers over me. His bright blue orbs gazing into my brown ones. My heart skips a beat. Just like old times. Slowly, his fingertips trace my side, and he places butterfly kisses across my jawline. "I've missed you so much." His lips meet mine, with a slow heart-tugging kiss. He finally pulls back looking into my eyes.

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