Chapter Three

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"So, you aren't going to go?" Anna asks, lying across my couch. This is her third time asking, and I wanted to choke her. Badly. "Seeeeeeeeelena, why aren't you answering me?" She sits up to look at me.

"Because..." I look around before my eyes land on her. "Because he is the past, and I can't go back to that, too many memories. I need to focus on me."

"But he is Caleb Hemsworth! You can't let an opportunity like this pass you by." She looks at me with wild eyes. Oh boy. "Think of the women that are dying for a piece of him, Selena. Think of them all, and here you are getting King Caleb served to you on a silver platter. Just take it, woman."

"I don't want it, Anna. Getting involved with him is asking for trouble. Athletes are trouble period." I sigh.

"But he is different. You know him."

"I knew him. That's a big difference." It's my turn to sit up. She wasn't getting it. "I never like Googling people, but I finished my investigation on Caleb. He is a playboy; he parties a lot, has a harem of women, and his best friend is the rapper Shadow. Do you know what he raps about? Fucking bitches and getting money. Every song is about that. His Christmas album was just horrific. I listened to a sample last night, and he remade Santa Baby into Santa's Thot! In what world does he live in?"

"One filled with thots...I suppose." Anna laughs. "And let's be real here, Selena. Shadow is probably the nicest man on Earth, when not in front of a camera or on stage. I heard one time he stopped his car and got out for a fan that was crying uncontrollably outside the arena. See...he's nice."  Leave it to Anna to always want to find the good in person when something sexual is at stake.

"Whatever. I'm still not going to see him." After reading about his personal life, I knew seeing him tonight would be a bad idea. I was sort of happy that I didn't give it up to him that night.

"You're unbelievable. If I were in your shoes, my legs would be wrapped around Caleb's neck by now." She stands up, heading back into the kitchen. "Are you sure you don't want to go?"

"I think it is time for you to go home."

"Huh? What? Why?" She pops her head out. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"You keep bringing him up. I said no, and I mean no. For crying out loud, he has a girlfriend. That right there is a no-go for me. Out of all people, you should know I'm not one for cheating. So, if you insist on bringing his name up, then leave." I rub my temples getting beyond annoyed. I know she means well, but this was overkill even for her, and that says a lot. She walks back into the kitchen in silence, and I roll my eyes and head into the kitchen to join her.

"Anna?" I sit at the kitchen island. "Anna banana," I sing. "Oh, my Anna banana, are you mad at me? Please don't be mad at me."

"Don't call me that," she snaps. "We aren't on good terms right now."

"Because I told you to leave?" I tilt my head at her.

"Uh-huh," she huffs, opening the refrigerator. "You know I was never going to leave anyway."

"I know." I chuckle. "So...why get mad?"

"It's just the simple fact that you said it. Best friends don't kick each other out of the house. That is like against girl code or something like that. S—" The doorbell rings, and we stare at each other wondering who it can be. Usually, the front gate guard would let me know if any visitors were coming. Anna mouths, Were you expecting someone?

"No." I shake my head. "It's almost midnight. No one should be here—unless it's..." The bell rang again.

"Caleb." Anna's face lights up. "It has to be him; go open the door!" she whispers loudly. "Move your ass!" She pulls me off the couch, dragging me to the door.

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