Chapter 7: Raising The Curtain

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Swim Swim sat on the grass looking up at the buildings around her, she was eating a bag of mini muffins which she bought on her way to the park. She was waiting for Snow White to arrive so she could chat with her. Then she heard footsteps approaching.

Out into the dimly lit area came Snow White. She was squeezing her fist and visibly distraught.

"What do you want-" Swim Swim said, looking up at her.

Snow White showed her a news article. It was about what she did to Black Cat. Swim Swim went back to eating the mini muffins in the pouch.

"Yes, I did it-"

"Why... She was just doing her job"

"She attacked me first-"

"Why did she attack you-" Snow White questioned.

"She wasn't happy about me doing her job in her sector. Instead of using her words, she attacked me, I was left with no choice but to take her down" Swim Swim responded.

"Why didn't you just leave!"

"It wasn't that simple, she would have tracked me down-"

"You don't know that!"

Snow White ruffled her hair and paced around, "We've only been here for a few days! We cannot afford to make enemies!"

"A ruler must exact justice and be steadfast when in combat" Swim Swim responded.

"A good ruler also knows when it is and is not appropriate to kill someone!" Snow White shot back.

Swim Swim finished her muffins and stood up, taking her spear with her.

"You have to stop doing this"

"That depends entirely on my mood"

Then she sunk into the ground. Snow White sighed, she saw it was going to be hard to get her to change her worryingly violent nature. She missed everyone she had the pleasure of talking to.

"... Why is she like this" She wondered.

The next morning had arrived and Ayana was standing outside waiting for Charlie to join her on her way to school. She had been standing there for 45 minutes before she realised something was off.

She went upstairs to his flat and knocked on the door.

"Charlie... We're going to be late, what's going on..." Ayana shouted, she waited a few seconds before knocking on the door again.

"Wake up sleepy! If we miss this train we'll be late to school!"

She waited 2 minutes. She sighed, looked around and then she got her magical phone from out of her bag, transformed into Swim Swim and walked threw the door, before transforming back.

"Charlie!" Ayana shouted.

Then she looked in his room to see him staring at his phone, she walked closer to him.

"Charlie, you idiot we missed the train because of-"

Then Ayana saw on Charlie's screen was the selection notification on his phone. Ayana gasped.

"It's so tempting..." Charlie said.

"It's not a good idea" Ayana replied, taking Charlie's phone from him and pressing the decline button.


"It's not legit-"

"How do you know?!" He replied angrily.

Ayana was silent for a second, "B-Because I know someone who tried it before, she was disappointed"

"Hmph, fine" Charlie pouted.

Ayana sighed and grabbed the back of Charlie's shirt, tugging him out the door, the boy had a fit as usual.

"Irresponsible" Ayana scolded.

"I know..." Charlie whined, as if Ayana was his mother.

Ayana didn't want Charlie mixed up in the world of magical girls. She worried about 2 things, the first him discovering that she was Swim Swim, the second and the one she feared the most was him dying. It was only a few days but she enjoyed Charlie's company and being friends with him. She was his only friend actually, she was the only one who could tolerate his rather unusual personality.

"... I've never had a friend for this long" Charlie said, "Especially a girl..."

"Uh huh-" Ayana replied, she was watching a documentary about Queen Elizabeth I on her phone

Charlie smiled at her, she smiled back at him.

"Want to listen?" Ayana asked, taking out one of her headphones.

"Mhm!" He responded, nodding.

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