Ten || Pie

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-Art by maroo_o5 on Instagram-

The wind slapped my face amid the roaring of the motorbike's engine. I gripped onto the driver's jacket a little tighter with one hand as the speed of the vehicle picked up quite significantly, while still securely holding the warm straw basket on my lap with the other. "So why exactly are you taking a pie to Chifuyu?" Draken asked loudly, speaking over the voice of his bike.

"My granny wants me to as a thank you to him for helping me out. It's better if you don't question it." I shouted back, trying to steer the conversation away from having to bring up the humiliating memory of when I was bedridden with the flu just last week.

The tall boy swerved the bike down an unfamiliar road yet didn't let up the conversation. "How come you didn't ask Mitsuya to drive you there? Are you guys in a fight or somethin'?" Draken usually wasn't this curious, and although I was eager to explore this new side of him, I was just as eager to shut him up out of sheer embarrassment.

How was I supposed to tell him that there was no way I was asking Mitsuya to take me to Chifuyu's place after he caught us asleep in my bed last week? The situation was way too suggestive to be honest about. "Something like that." I replied reluctantly.

To be frank, I wasn't too keen on asking Draken for a favour like this either. It was just that this morning when my grandmother announced that she wanted me to take her thank you pie to the boy that looked after me when I was unwell, it suddenly dawned on me that I had no idea where Chifuyu lived at all. I thought back, trying to remember any point in time where he might have told me his address. The closest piece of information I got was when we met at a park after I was coming home from school when he was looking for his cat- that park was near my school, so maybe that meant he lived near that area I would need to take the train, but I didn't think trains were scheduled to run at that time so it was useless. I didn't even have Chifuyu's number to ask him about his address. So I called up Draken instead; it was my only option other than going back home to tell my fearful gangster grandmother that I couldn't deliver her stupid pie. And God knows I'd do anything but that.

Eventually, the motorbike came to a sudden halt in front of an apartment complex. "Well whatever. This is Chifuyu's place," The blonde said after turning off the engine. Without the blaring roars of the bike, it suddenly occurred to me how peaceful this neighbourhood was; not a single sound other than the gentle songs of the sparrows or my feet scraping the concrete as I struggled to get off my friend's large bike.

I mumbled a small thanks while Draken just looked at me with one hand on a handlebar and the other shoved in his jacket pocket. "Want me to wait for you?" He asked.

"If it's not too much of a bother. I won't be long." To be honest, I wasn't planning on sticking around. My plan was to just drop off this pie then head back home. The vice captain nodded as he pulled out his phone to distract him until I was ready to leave.

And with that, I turned swiftly on my heel and walked a couple of steps to the Matsuno home. I found myself standing at the large door within moments, my heart beginning to jitter with anxiety as I gripped the warm basket even tighter.

I lifted my finger to the button next to the nameplate which read Matsuno slowly but hesitated before pressing it. What if Chifuyu didn't answer? What if it was his parents? Or what if nobody answered at all? What if, what if, what if. These nerve-wracking questions soared through my head as the temptation to turn away and go home got stronger each time. It was a both a blessing and a curse that Draken was waiting on the road behind me because despite being embarrassed enough to ask this favour of him, the fact he was there waiting was a little push for me to hurry up and do what I had to.

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