Chapter 11 - Rabbit in an Egg

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Suddenly, a giant egg like thing came out of nowhere and rolled into Jyugo, knocking him over.

Jinx: "Jyugo!"

Trois: "What is that?!"

Jyugo turned to the large egg.

Jyugo: "The hell's your problem coming out of nowhere?!!"

Trois: "Ah, at least it was Jyugo that got hit. If something had happened to hurt our precious faces, Jinx, Kiji would have a field day."

Jinx: "You're roping me into this?"


Jinx: "Look. I think its... hatching?"

We stared at the large egg as the middle zipped opened and someone came out.

???: "Oh, my bad, my bad. I went and upped the tension without thinking."

The three of us stared at the strange rabbit person in the egg.

Tomato: "I'm the chief supervisor of Nanba's 'Industrial' Building 1, Tomato Ichijou. I have some personal business with you boys today, so I personally came all the way here on foot, y'know? Be grateful."

Jinx: "By 'on foot', do you mean 'in egg'?"

Trois: "Y-you have some business with us?"

Jyugo: "A... rabbit?"

Tomato: "It's a bit sudden, but I've got some interest in number 15's shackles, too. I want you to lemme study 'em for a bit."

I stood in front of Jyugo, scowling up at Tomato.

Jinx: "Jyugo, I don't trust this freaky bunny."

Tomato: "Don't worry, I won't do anything bad to you. I just won't be satisfied unless I study them directly, y'know? And please reframe from using the B-word to describe me, kid."

Jyugo: "Ha, as if I'd let a brat like you touch them."

Jinx: "You look way more dangerous than Trois!"

He leaned forward, his long rabbit ear patting Jyugo's head.

Tomato: "Hey, who're you calling a brat? I may not look it, but I'm way older than you guys. I already passed my thirties a long time ago."

Jinx & Jyugo: "Seriously?!"

Trois: "Incredible! You have some kind of secret trick?!"

Tomato: "No, I've always been like this."

He pointed to Trois.

Tomato: "And you, building 3's number 3!"

Trois: "Me?"

Tomato: "Yes, you. You're the one who made this, right?"

He held out one of the explosives Trois used under building 5.

Jinx: "That's-"

Trois covered my mouth.

Trois: "Y-you're mistaken!"

Tomato: "Relax, I didn't come here to criticise you or rat you out or anything. I came here to buy your skills. The skills of an excellent mechanic, that is. By the way, that's a reproduction I made of the original evidence we found at the reconstruction site of the Gogyousan underground."

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