Chapter 24 - Work Together

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The robo rabbit was getting ready for another flame attack. Hajime bolted around it and charged forward. I hid behind Jyugo as he caught the attack. Fire was spiralling around his right blade. He held it up to keep me from getting burned.

Jyugo: "Listen to me. Hajime and I are gonna take this thing down. Can you hang in there?"

Jinx: "Uh... I'll be fine..."

I honestly wasn't sure. The pain was intense, but I was trying my best to keep it still with a brave face.

Jesse Waldock: "I don't actually know what having a fractured bone feels like. If I'm butchering anything, I apologise to those of you who do."

Jyugo: "You will tell me if that changes, won't you?"

Jinx: "I will... Jyugo, this is the part where you promise me you'll be really careful."

He smiled.

Jyugo: "I promise."

He ran forwards to catch the cyclone the robot just shot at Hajime. Now he had fire surrounding his right and wind surrounding his left.

Jyugo: "Their powers aren't like this. The ones that I know..."

He raised his blades.


When he slammed his blades down, the fire and wind combined and headed straight for the robot. My eyes widened.

Jinx: "You're so cool, Jyugo."


It created a dust cloud. I saw Hajime go in with his fist.


The cloud disappeared and we saw the big pudgy robot. Hajime stopped his fist inches away from it and Jyugo jumped over his shoulder with his blade out and slashes its tummy.


Jyugo smiled back at me.

Hajime: "Neither of our attacks can get through to that thing, right? So what are we supposed to do? Hit it until they do."

Jyugo: "Wow, what the hell man. Make a plan."

Hajime: "If that thing can move faster than me, then I'll just bear down on it even more. It's the same with power. I'll just hit it with more strength than before. A machine's evolution doesn't allow for personal growth. That's something only humans can do."

Jinx: "...Personal growth, huh?"

I smiled.

Jinx: "I think we... we both know a little about that, Jyugo."

Jyugo: "*pant pant* To bear down on it... even more..."

The robot transformed into its smaller, more agile version. My eyes widened when I saw it had blades. Just like Jyugo's.

Jinx: "No way..."

They clashed together.

Jyugo: "I won't stop... Like hell I'd stop now!!"

I saw Jyugo's blades cracking.

Jinx: "Come on, big brother... hang in there..."

Jyugo got pushed back.

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