Chapter 35 - Grounded

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In our cell the next morning, Jyugo came back from roaming alone.

Jyugo: "Here's some news for you lot, Yamato's been suspended."

Uno: "Really?"

Jyugo: "Yeah, he just got the suspension note."

Nico: "When's he coming back."

Jyugo: "After the construction's done on the thing's Nadeshiko broke."

Jinx: "Yeah, she definitely has his strength..."

Rock: "Huh, poor guy."

Jyugo: "Actually he was ecstatic."

Jinx: "Of course, because he gets to go back home with his wife and daughter for a while. I'm happy for them."

Later that morning, Rock and Nico were packing bags.

Uno: "Huh? Are you guys going somewhere?"

Rock: "Yeah, we're headed to building 5. Yamato's suspended, right? So Hajime told us that if we wanna exercise we gotta go to building 5."

Nico: "I'm gonna get master to teach me qigong this time for sure! But he told me to work on building up my stamina first, so I'll do that while we're at building 5!"

He was beaming.

Jyugo: "You're really determined to become just like those guys, huh?"

Jinx: "Lucky... You guys get to go hang out at building 5 while I'm still stuck in this stupid cell. Hajime won't even let me go to my own playground. And I'm not even allowed to eat in the cafeteria. I have to stay in here, all day, every day. Being grounded sucks."

Uno: "We did always tell you to stay away from the underground."

Jinx: "Geez, I get it! It wasn't my fault! It wasn't Nadeshiko's fault either... she just wasn't thinking. We both said we were sorry..."

Jyugo: "We know, Jinx."

Rock: "Tell you what, I'll talk with Shiro and maybe he can make you something extra special when you get through these few days."

That made me feel a little better.

Jinx: "Kay... thanks, Rock."

Rock: "More importantly, Nico, do you have all your medicine? We're gonna be in trouble if you lose it again like last time."

Nico: "It's fine, geez!"

He held up his iron ball and opened it to show all his medicine inside.

Nico: "I've put all of it in here, so there's no need to worry!"

Jinx, Uno, Rock & Jyugo: "WHA-?!"

Uno: "What the hell is that?! Could that iron ball always do that?!"

Nico: "No, it originally only had a medical thermometer function, but Kazari remodelled it for me."

Rock: "We've never heard about that thing having a medical thermometer in it either!"

Nico: "By the way, the name of this iron ball is 'Black Hole'."

Jinx: "That somehow makes sense."

That afternoon...

Uno: "Since Rock and Nico awakened as sportsmen or whatever, us loafers have been left with nothing to do."

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