Chapter 12 - Around Other Girls

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After Jyugo & Trois' exams...

Hajime: "Alright you two, back to your cell, let's go."

Jinx & Jyugo: "Kaaay..."

Kiji: "Hold on, Hajime."

Hajime: "Haah?"

Kiji: "I've had some thought about little 33."

Jinx: "Me?"

Hajime: "What about her?"

Kiji: "Well, we all know she's quite the unique inmate here. Being so young and being a girl."

Hajime: "Get to the point."

Kiji: "I just think it's a little unfair you get her all to yourself."

Hajime: "Haah?! She was put in my building."

Kiji: "Yes, but the monkey has her over at building 5 all the time. Isn't that right, child?"

Jinx: "Yes, sir."

Kiji: "Right. Well I see no reason she shouldn't be allowed to come to my building once in a while."

Hajime: "You want to take her off my hands?"

Kiji: "Only for a day. Call it a visit. What do you think, 33?"

Jinx: "Yeah! I wanna see what building 3's like! Jyugo, Hajime, can I go?"

Jyugo: "I guess so. Just don't say anything to Uno cause he'll probably explode."

Hajime: "Fine... just for today."

Trois: "You're really allowing this, Kiji?"

Kiji: "Why not? You and 82 are her friends, aren't you?"

Trois: "Well... Jinx and Honey... they're working on it."

I took Trois' hand and went back to building 3 with them.

Trois: "Honey, I'm back, and we have a visitor."

Honey: "A visitor? Who could—"

He froze when he saw me.

Jinx: "Hi!"

Kiji: "Can I count on you boys to take care of her?"

Trois: "Of course."

Kiji left.

Jinx: "So this is your cell, huh?"

Unlike my cell, instead of bars, theirs had glass. I tapped on it.

Jinx: "Isn't this stuff breakable?"

Trois smiled.

Trois: "Normally yes, but not this glass. It's at least not broken easily."

Honey: "Why is she here?"

Trois: "Kiji invited her to spend the day here at building 3 with us."

Honey: "Hah?"

Trois: "Come on, Honey, it'll be fun. Besides, aren't you two friends now?"

Honey: "..."

I took Honey's hand and smile up at him.

Honey: "Tch... fine."

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