Chapter 38 - Help and Protect

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Hajime: "I see. So that's what 932 said, huh? But I told you before, remember? You're not allowed to get involved with that case. Even if you spoke with 634 at this point, there's nothing you can do."

Jyugo: "You're wrong... I just... want to tell him I'm sorry."

Hajime: "Huh?"

Jyugo: "I... I didn't understand... the story he told me in the basement. I thought it was just a story about revenge... that it didn't have anything to do with me... even when... he said I was 'the one and only inmate who can chase after the man with the scar,' I didn't understand why Musashi would place so much faith in me. I didn't even have a sense of self. But gradually, I've come to understand myself a bit. I can think about my goals and way of life more than I did before. At the same time, I've come to understand just how much other people have saved me, and it's forced me to realize all the things I've never taken notice of before. Myself, others... anything and everything. When we fought that bunny robot, and it started copying Rock, Uno and Nico, I don't know why, but it seriously pissed me off. Because those moves were theirs and theirs alone. To me, the things that they alone possess seem to shine brilliantly. It felt like someone who didn't understand that just... wilfully took it and used it as they pleased. Just like that guy. It pissed me off."

Hajime: "Are you trying to say that it's the same as 932's story?"

Jyugo: "Elf and the man with the scar used Musashi to further their own research. And now they're using his powers off in who knows where... Noriko was the same way... those guys just wilfully changed their powers... then used them and made them suffer. That's why... when I thought of that, I couldn't help getting angry... but... at the same time... to have not even understood those feelings... makes me feel pathetic... and frustrated with myself..."

He was crying and clutching his chest to the point of it bleeding.

Jyugo: "I had no idea that the feeling of having something taken from you and used against your will... could be so painful... if I had just known about myself sooner... had just faced myself sooner, then maybe I could've understood those two. If I had, then maybe we wouldn't have fought and hurt one another. They understood me. No matter what kind of existence I might be, they gave me a chance to live... they believed in me... That's why I thought maybe Musashi did the same."

Jinx: "Jyugo!"

He turned to face me.

Jyugo: "Jinx? Why did you follow me?"

He spoke like this was the first time he noticed I was right behind him. I ran up and hugged him.

Jinx: "You were upset... I was worried..."

Jyugo: "*sigh* You should have stayed with Rock..."

Jinx: "Maybe... but I want to help you, Jyugo... I hate seeing you feel like this. Not long after I arrived here, you told me about how the man with the scar put those shackles on you and you're searching for him because he was the only one who could take them off. But a lot has happened since then, and it's more than that now."

Jyugo: "You're a little girl, Jinx. You shouldn't have to worry about these things."

Jinx: "Well, neither should you! You're still a kid too, Jyugo. And I... I'm going to help you whether you want it or not!"

He stroked my head.

Jyugo: "Heh, you're so stubborn."

Jinx: "So are you."

Hajime: "Hey 15, you're saying that guy never had any intention to kill you at the new year's tournament and your previous prison from the start?"

Jyugo: "I know it all sounds too convenient. That's why I want to have a proper conversation with him one more time. And I want to apologize to him. To say sorry for... for not understanding his feeling back then. I said I'd leave the man with the scar to you, so I won't do anything unnecessary... but I want to be involved in my own way. That's why I want to talk with those guys some more, to know more, and to find something that I can do, no matter how small! Please, Hajime!"

Hajime: "The desire to find something... huh, you're a lot more preferable now to how you were back then."

Jyugo: "...What...?"

Hajime: "Forget it. More importantly, hurry up and get back to work, both of you. You're gonna be the only ones stuck with overtime at this rate."

Jyugo: "Huh?! Wai- Hajime, is that really-?!"

Hajime: "I'll think about it. Besides, the mutt will probably have an easier time getting into those arson cases than me. So it'll depend on him."

Jyugo: "I... I see."

Hajime: "Also, you said you wanted to talk to 'those guys' a second ago. Were you talking about Enki and the Sanzou girl?"

Jyugo: "Y-yeah."

Hajime: "Those two are dead."

Jyugo: ".........what..."

Jinx: "N-no way..."

Jyugo and I walked as slow as possible back to work.

Jinx: "I take back every bad thing I said about them..."

Jyugo: "What do you mean?"

Jinx: "They wanted to hurt you... to kill you... so I was mad... but I didn't realise... Enki and Miss Noriko were hurting just as much."

Jyugo: "...Me neither, kiddo."

Jinx: "I'm sorry, Jyugo... I know they were important to you because of what they did for you."

Jyugo: "It's okay... what Samon said back then makes more sense now... he told me not to waste the chance they gave me... I won't."

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