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"The funeral will be on friday"

"Why does that take so long?", I wonder. She wasn't murdered or something, she died from a heart attack.

Michael shrugs. "It's New York."

I exhale and try to discard this thought. Thinking about her still feels like a big rock on my chest.

He takes a big bite from his chinese noodles and focuses on the TV.

"By the way, I'll work at Sam's boat with Bucky till friday."

I look up at Bucky's name.

"He offered me to help him. He didn't ask: 'hey, Michael, could you help me with the boat?', nope, he said: 'If you want, you can help me with the boat', as if I'm a child who needs to be entertained." He jokes around.

I smile. Sounds just like Bucky.

"But you have to be entertained all the time, Michael. And the fact that a stranger noticed that, is a sign."

"Nah, I see no problem in that."

"Of course you don't"

I put my noodles away and let my head rest on his shoulder. Inhaling his scent.

Cuddling has always been my way of solving problems. Someone was sad? They got a hug. I got sad? Someone got a hug. It's that easy. But it also meant that people knew that someone ( in this case me) was sad.

"What's the matter?"Michael asks, finishing his box.

"Can we just stay like this? I don't want to talk right now."

When he nods, I sight and try to keep the tears away.

At work I was thankful to be able to bake all day. It kept my thoughts away from grandma. But it didn't keep them away from Bucky. I thought about why he was like that. So quiet, but not shy. Reserved but not antisocial. I thought about his beautiful eyes, his soft brown hair and really strong arms. And his damn gloved hand. What does he hide under that black glove? And why is he hiding it in front of me and Michael but not his friend, Sam? They must be friends if they work together on a boat.

I thought about how nice Bucky is to me. How he gives me this stunning smile and his soft look and how it makes the butterflies in my stomach riot.

When I close the bakery, Aaron is standing behind me.

"Dear lord, since when is it that cold in november?" He rubbs his hands together to warm them up.

"Are we going to yours, today? I'm free tonight."

"Are you asking this because you want to spend time with me or my brother?" I ask, lifting an eyebrow ironically. In his look I recognize that I caught him.

"Both?" He says carefully, which sounded more like a question.

I shake my head. "Michael is with Bucky. At the haven. "

He claps. "Perfect! Now I can finally meet the awesome Bucky!"

My stomach crumbs. I don't know why but it makes me a little nervous when I think about Aaron meeting Bucky. I'm afraid he might not see the same in Bucky like I do.

We decided to get coffee for Sam, Bucky, Michael and us, because It's 6 PM and biting. I got anxious with every step getting closer to the boys. I just beg he would like Bucky.

We already see them from the far, even though it is already dark outside.

"Hey Guys!", Aaron shouts. My heart jumps when Bucky turns around immediately fixing my eyes from the distance. He smiles at me. The butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

He looks insanely good, working that hard.

"We brought coffee", I say a little dizzy, entering the boat together.

We greet Sam, who seems like the complete opposite to Bucky, and then I turn to Bucky.

"I hope coffee is fine." I say shyly, receiving a smile. "Coffee is perfect." He calms me down.

The other two seemed to be really happy about the hot drink too. We join their conversation for the next twenty minutes until they go back to work.

"We can go in ten minutes. I just want to finish this." Michael assures me, grabbing a screwdriver.

Aaron and I go off the boat to give the boys more space and take a seat on a bench.

It's very quiet for a while. We just watch them. Well, my eyes always drift to Bucky who was even stronger than he looked. Especially with his left arm.

"If you don't want him, I'll take him." Aaron says drooling after a while.

I laugh out loud, receiving curious looks from the boat.

"He's all yours." I say, still laughing, mostly because I'm so relieved he actually likes Bucky too.

"He's really charming. I never would have expected him to be like that."

Bucky was truly charming today. Maybe it's because Sam is around (even though they tease each other a lot), Maybe it's because he gets comfortable with spending time with other men. Or maybe, I thought, he acted so charming because I brought Aaron. What if he's gay? That feels like a huge betrayal.

I catch Bucky looking into our direction multiple times. I cringe at the thought he could actually have laid his eyes on Aaron.

I turn to the briton. "Aaron, I need your gay detector. Is Bucky...gay?"

He blinks. "Are you being serious? He is defenitely not gay, Maddie. He's a total womanizer."

Now I blink, in surprise.

"Are you sure your gay detector is not broken or something?"

" You're being ridiculous, Madison. Why are you...? No way! "

His shocked face says it all. He covers his mouth and whispers: "Are you crushing on him?"

His question was a slap in the face. I catch myself mirroring him, my brain going blank.

"No"I stutter but get interrupted by Michael. Thank god.

"Ready to go?" 


The rest of the week went by and it looked like this: We visited the boys to get them hot drinks. I observed Bucky doing strong men stuff like lifting big ass wooden beams. I just couldn't do anything but stare, receiving some teasing by Aaron because of it. But his teasing was worth it because everytime Bucky and I made eye contact, my whole body warmed up, despite the cold.

Sometimes I caught myself just wanting to be by his side. So close I could feel the heat his body radiates. Sometimes I caught myself wanting to just touch him, his arms maybe.

And even though the funeral came closer each day, I couldn't think about anything but Bucky.

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